Table 4.2 Option Files Read on Unix and Unix-Like Systems File NamePurpose /etc/my.cnf MySQL 5.7 my.cnf 配置文件说明 官网说:从5.7.18开始不在二进制包中提供 my-default.cnf 文件。参考: 经过测试,在5.7.18版本中,使用...
1.下载:在官网上下载mysql-5.5.28-linux2.6-i686.tar.gz. 2.解压 tar-xvf mysql-5.5.28-linux2.6-i686.tar.gz 3.移动到/usr/local/mysql mvmysql-5.5.28-linux2.6-i686 /usr/local/ln-s mysql-5.5.28-linux2.6-i686/ mysql 4.安装依赖的lib包:执行/usr/loca...
上线后关闭slow_query_log = OFF#慢日志文件路径slow_query_log_file = /data/mysql/logs/slow_query.log#该值是ON,则会记录所有没有利用索引来进行查询的语句,前提是slow_query_log 的值也是ONlog_queries_not_using_indexes = ON#记录管理语句log-slow-admin-statements#如果运行的SQL语句没有使用索引,#则m...
[root@mysql ~]# cd /usr/local [root@mysql local]# tar xvf /tmp/mysql-8.0.25-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64.tar.xz [root@mysql local]# ln -s mysql-8.0.25-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64 mysql 五、编辑配置文件 [root@mysql local]# vim /etc/my.cnf 添加以下基础的配置文件: [mysqld] basedir=/usr...
Linux下MySQL(5.7.17)的安装 一、MySQL的安装 说明: Linux下软件的安装通常有三种方式:二进制、rpm、yum三种方式。 MySQL的下载: 因为我使用的是阿里云服务器,联网的,所以我直接在linux下进行下载,使用Windows的小伙伴也可以将mysql下载本地再上传到服务器上面...
Table 2.3 MySQL Installation Layout for Generic Unix/Linux Binary Package 重要(中文) MySQL依赖于libaio库。如果此库未在本地安装,则数据目录初始化和后续服务器启动步骤将失败。如有必要,请使用相应的软件包管理器进行安装。例如,基于Yum的系统: shell> yum search libaio # search for infoshell> yum install...
For some Linux platforms, MySQL installation from RPM or Debian packages includes systemd support for managing MySQL server startup and shutdown. On these platforms,mysqld_safeis not installed. In such cases, use systemd for server startup and shutdown instead of the methods used in the followi...
For some Linux platforms, MySQL installation from RPM or Debian packages includes systemd support for managing MySQL server startup and shutdown. On these platforms,mysqld_safeis not installed. In such cases, use systemd for server startup and shutdown instead of the methods used in the followi...
For some Linux platforms, MySQL installation from RPM or Debian packages includes systemd support for managing MySQL server startup and shutdown. On these platforms,mysqld_safeis not installed. In such cases, use systemd for server startup and shutdown instead of the methods used in the followi...
1、下载二进制安装文件包 mysql-8.0.21-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64...