SELECT column1, column2, ….FROM table_name ORDER BY column1 [ASC|DESC], column2 [ASC|DESC], ….其中,ORDER BY子句必须放在FROM子句之后,可以指定多个列作为排序依据。如果要按照升序排列,则在ORDER BY子句中指定ASC(Ascending)关键字,如果要按照降序排列,则在ORDER BY子句中指定DESC(D...
在MySQL中,可以使用ORDER BY子句对查询结果进行排序。通常情况下,我们使用DESC关键字来指定降序排序,而不使用DESC的Order排序是指在不使用DESC关键字的情况下进行排序。 在不使用DESC关键字的情况下,MySQL默认使用升序排序(即ASC排序)。ASC是Ascending的缩写,表示升序排序,即按照指定的列的值从小到大进行排序。 例如,...
Another example, suppose I want to see the first name of the customer in ascending order and the last name in descending order then, the query should be written as follows: 另一个示例,假设我想按升序查看客户的名字,然后按降序查看姓氏,则查询应编写如下: select *from customer order by first_nam...
与desc相反的关键字是asc(ascending),在升序排序时可以指定,但实际上,因为升序排列是默认的,所以asc没什么作用。 使用order by和limit的组合,能够找出一个列中最高或最低的值。例如: select prod_price from products order by prod_price desc limit 1; 1. 应该注意的是,order by必须放在from子句之后,如果使用...
For example, to sort by type of animal in ascending order, then by birth date within animal type in descending order (youngest animals first), use the following query: mysql> SELECT name, species, birth FROM pet ORDER BY species, birth DESC; +---+---+---+ | name | species | bir...
I'm trying to order a list of entries by date (in descending order), then by an order field (ascending). The query I've got now is: SELECT id, title, date, thumb FROM press_clips ORDER BY `date` DESC; Which does great at ordering the result by date. ...
SELECT 列名1,列名2,列名3 FROM 表名 ORDER BY 列名4,列名5; SELECT prod_id,prod_price,prod_name FROM products ORDER BY prod_price,prod_name; 先以prod_price排序,prod_price相同时再按prod_name排序 3.指定排序方向 默认排序顺序为升序(ASC(ASCENDING)) SELECT 列名1,列名2,列名3 FROM 表名 ORDER ...
This means that the result of using this function on columns from a SELECT can depend on the order in which the rows are returned, which is not guaranteed. Consider the following: mysql> CREATE TABLE t(c VARCHAR(10), i INT); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.33 sec) mysql> INSERT ...
SQL(Structured Query Language,结构化查询语言)是一种用于管理关系型数据库的标准编程语言。它主要用于数据的查询、插入、更新和删除等操作。SQL最初在1970年代由IBM的研究人员开发,旨在处理关系数据模型。 MySQL 支持 SQL,用于对数据库进行查询、更新和管理。 在项目开发中,程序员需要掌握sql各种用法,应对各种复杂需求...
Description:In the test case, the target table has three records. One session inserts more rows in both primary key ascending and secondary key ascending order, uncommitted. Another session updates the three rows in the target table with WHERE condition on the secondary index. The update query ...