这是一个不存在就添加索引的例子,若需求是存在则删除 微调下面的 if not exists 即可 DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS add_index; DELIMITER $ CREATE PROCEDURE add_index() BEGIN DECLARE target_database VARCHAR(100); DECLARE target_table_name VARCHAR(100); DECLARE target_column_name VARCHAR(100); DECLARE ta...
If NOT EXISTS (INDEX) ALTER TABLE ADD INDEX END IF; I also found out that i can "filter" the SHOW INDEXES Result through a WHERE like: SHOW INDEXES FROM TABLE WHERE Key_Name = "KEYNAME"; So I get a NULL result or a single Line result. ...
ifnotindex_exists:# 添加索引query="ALTER TABLE tablename ADD INDEX index_name (column_name)"cursor.execute(query)cnx.commit()print("索引添加成功") 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 类图 Developer-name: String+addIndex(indexName: String, tableName: String, columnName: String) : void+isIndexExists(i...
所以就产生了需要先判断索引是否存在,再做添加索引或者删除索引的操作(若索引不存在,添加或删除索引会报错)。实例如下:drop PROCEDURE if EXISTS add_index;DELIMITER // create PROCEDURE add_index()BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_schema='Prod.Oms...
使用存储过程实现索引添加: DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS add_index; CREATE PROCEDURE add_index() BEGIN DECLARE CurrentDatabase VARCHAR(100); SELECT DATABASE() INTO CurrentDatabase; IF NOT EXISTS ...
DELIMITER;CALL pro_AddIndex(); Drop procedure pro_AddIndex; 插入语句判断是否存在,不存在则插入: insertintopermission(id,name,navigation_id,parentid)select'130','印前审查',null,'1'fromDUALWHERENOTEXISTS(SELECT*FROMpermissionWHEREid='130');insertintonavigation(id,name,parent,path,seq_num,sub_sys...
# 添加索引alter table t1 add index index_name (column_list) ;alter table t1 add unique (column_list) ;alter table t1 add primary key (column_list) ; # 删除索引alter table t1 drop index index_name ;alter table t1 drop primary key ; 6.截断表 截断表即truncate table,也可理解为清空表,...
-- 增加字段ADD[COLUMN]字段名-- 创建主键ADDPRIMARYKEY(字段名)-- 创建唯一索引ADDUNIQUE[索引名](字段名)-- 创建普通索引ADDINDEX[索引名](字段名)-- 删除字段DROP[COLUMN]字段名-- 支持对字段属性进行修改MODIFY[COLUMN]字段名字段属性--支持对字段名进行修改CHANGE[COLUMN]原字段名新字段名字段属性-- 删除...
Date: June 30, 2011 10:11AM I´m using C# but I can´t use that Language for the Update. If I was able to use the capabilities of a usual Programming-Language I could solve the Problem on my own. The thing is I can use only a single SQL-Query during the Update-process. ...