Mysidia Adoptables 1.3.x Series: Download from Mysidia Resource. Download Download from 4Shared.
On MysidiaHost, we offer free services for installation of Mysidia Adoptables script, and a forum script of your choice(for commercial forum script, you need to provide your license information). This will be done typically within 24 hours after you sign up and order a hosting service(right ...
I get an error when installing Mysidia Adoptables on my site, is here:, and I get this: PHP Code: Fatal error:Can not inheritabstract functionCreator::create() (previously declaredabstractin UserCreator)in/home/***/public_html/pokeadop...
Mysidia RPG is a website owned by Ordland(Hall of Famer), who writes and maintains several coding projects and APIs. You can find his work at the sidebar of this site, and download them for what you want for building your own website. The Projects are free for non-commercial use, an...