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Scott LL, Brecht EJ, Philpo A, Iyer S, Wu NS, Mihic SJ, Aldrich RW, Pierce J, Walton JP (2017) A novel BK channel-targeted peptide suppresses sound evoked activity in the mouse inferior colliculus. Sci Rep 7:42433. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Centr...
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Julius Strauss, SSEES Alumnus, was featured on a TV programme'Ben Fogle's New Lives in the Wild',broadcasted on Channel 5. After graduating from SSEES in Hungarian (1986-90), Julius became a war correspondent working first in freelance and then for the Daily Telegraph in the Balkans, Middle...
Dr Murawski also featured on Radio Liberty's Moscow TV channel Svoboda in the programme 'ПорталЗарядье' on 4 November. Martyn Rady, Professor of Central European History, spoke in the Ethnographic Museum in Cluj-Napoca, Romania at the book launch of 'Re de Dacia: un pro...
为庆祝新中国成立70周年,9月25日,绵阳市妇幼保健计划生育服务中心退休党支部开展了“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育系列活动。 退休党支部书记王树平组织大家收看了大型文献专题片《走在大路上》,共同回望了新中国的建立。中心党委委员、副院长蒲蓉、党办主任黄文翠、宣传科副科长张昕给老党员们敬戴了党徽。
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