Evergreen, rarely deciduous, often aromatic trees, seldom shrubs; dioecious, rarely monoecious. Leaves alternate, often distichous, sometime falsely whorled, occasionally with pellucid punctation,...Springer Berlin HeidelbergU. KühnK. Kubitzki...
Data on its distribution and habitat, phenology, and taxonomy are included, as are photographs of the living plant and a key to identify the four species of the genus in Mesoamerica.doi:10.1007/s12228-019-09585-wDaniel Santamaría-AguilarJosé Esteban JiménezReinaldo AguilarSpringer NatureBrittonia...
sebifera leaves different age stages.doi:10.1007/s11829-017-9582-9Carlos, Amanda Aparecidada Silva Malaquias, KarlaConsolmagno, Rafael CamargoSarria, André Lucio FranceschiniFernandes, Jo?o BatistaBueno, Odair CorreaSpringer NetherlandsArthropod-Plant Interactions...
Our results will contribute to the design of efficient conservation strategies not only for this species, but for the Atlantic rain forest as a whole.doi:10.1007/s12686-013-0010-xFlora BittencourtState University of Santa Cruz (UESCRoberto Tarazi...
Genetic diversity of Horsfieldia tetratepala (Myristicaceae), an endangered Plant Species with Extremely Small Populations to China: implications for its conservationConservationHorsfieldia tetratepalaPlant Species with Extremely Small Populations (PSESP)...
Bioassays conducted in air-tight glass chambers showed fumigant toxicity as per the filter-paper method. The experiment was conducted in four replications using a completely randomized design. The results suggest that M. fragrans can be used to control C. maculatus....
fragrans and phylogenetically-related species.doi:10.1007/s11033-020-05535-yKusuma, JaktyScarcelli, NoraCouderc, MarieMariac, CédricZekraoui, LeilaDuminil, JérmeSpringer NetherlandsMolecular Biology Reports
doi:10.1007/s10787-022-00966-4Mbiantcha, MariusTchouya, Raymond Guy FeuyaYousseu, William NanaAtsamo, Donatien AlbertFoundikou, HibrahimLebibi, JacquesZemo, Franklin GamoSpringer International PublishingInflammopharmacology
The bark and seeds are used in traditional medicine, yet the tree is mainly...doi:10.1007/s11033-018-4239-zVanden Abeele SamuelHardy Olivier J.Janssens Steven B.Springer NetherlandsMolecular Biology Reports
Myristica fragransChemical profileBioactivityToxicityFrom Myristica fragransL. (Myristicaceae) two spices, nutmeg and mace, were obtained. This plant is traditionally used in China, India, and African countries for the treatment of several diseases,......