1997. Pollination by deceit in nutmeg (Myristica insipida, Myristicaceae): ¯ower displays and beetle activity at male and female trees. American Journal of Botany 84: 1266±1274.Armstrong, J.E. 1997 . Pollination by deceit in nutmeg ( Myristica insipida ); floral displays and beetle ...
The flowerinagnd pollinationofMyristicfaragranswerestudiedon plantscultivatedin southernIndia. The staminateflowerasre bornein indeterminatienflorescencaensd functiononlyfora singlenight.Pistillateflowerasrebornesolitarilyand appearreceptive for2-3 days.Staminateplantsmayproduceover50 timesas manyflowerass ...