Myristicaceae,nutmeg family magnoliid dicot family- family of dicotyledonous flowering plants regarded as among the most primitive of extant angiosperms order Ranales,order Ranunculales,Ranales,Ranunculales- herbs, shrubs and trees: includes families Ranunculaceae; Annonaceae; Berberidaceae; Magnoliaceae;...
英语解释 Myristicaceae Myristicaceae是什么意思、Myristicaceae怎么读 Myristicaceae汉语翻译 【医】 肉豆蔻科 Myristicaceae英语解释 名词myristicaceae: family of aromatic tropical trees with arillate seeds 同义词:family Myristicaceae, nutmeg family
The meaning of MYRISTICACEAE is a family of trees (order Ranales) having unisexual flowers, monadelphous stamens, and arillate seeds.
英英释义 family of aromatic tropical trees with arillate seeds 访问沪江小D查看family myristicaceae的更多详细解释>相关短语 Inula (菊科) 旋覆花属 tough string test (青豆) 韧筋抗张试验 Beefmaster (肉用牛) 肉牛王 foramen root (牙科) 根尖孔 Loxopterygium (漆树科) 斜翅果属 reflexometer (肌肉) ...
Medicinal properties, phytochemistry, and pharmacology of Myristicaceae family: A reviewMegawati, MegawatiDarmawan, AkhmadHudiyono, SumiJournal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science
Myristicaceae [mi'ristisəsii:] 释义 肉豆蔻科 英英释义 Noun 1. family of aromatic tropical trees with arillate seeds
射线组织异形Ⅲ型,稀异形Ⅱ型。木材纹理直,结构粗而均匀。气干密度0.30~0.43g/cm3。 莲叶桐宏观横切面 莲叶桐微观横切面 莲叶桐微观弦切面 徐峰 刘红青主编 作家的话 去QQ阅读支持我 还可在评论区与我互动 13.肉豆蔻科 Myristicaceae R.Br. 英文名:Nutmeg Family...
肉豆蔻料 ròudòukòu liào Myristicaceae (family of plants producing aromatic or hallucinogenic oils, including nutmeg) 肉豆蔻 ròu dòukòu nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt); mace; Myristicaceae (family of plants producing aromatic or hallucinogenic oils) New Search Wildcard: Use * as placeholder fo...
noun Open Multilingual Wordnet 显示算法生成的翻译 将“family Myristicaceae"自动翻译成 斯洛文尼亚文 错误 Glosbe Translate 错误 Google Translate 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“family Myristicaceae"翻译成 斯洛文尼亚文 变形干 匹配词 找不到示例,请考虑添加一个示例。
magnoliid dicot family 词 genus类,种;genera种;taxa分类;Cerambycidae天牛;taxon分类单元;subfamily亚;species物种;shrub灌木;clade分化枝; 用户正在搜索 LDP, Ldp., LDPE, LDR, L-drive, l-driver, LDRS, LDS, LDT, LDV, 相似单词 myristanilide, myristate, myristic, myristic acid, myristica, Myristic...