“MyRide – Link” takes the fun of everyday mobility to a whole new level making your vehicle a more reliable partner than ever. MyRide – Link is an app that conn…
「MyRide – Link」將日常騎乘的樂趣帶入全新境界,使車輛成為比以往更可靠的夥伴。 MyRide – Link 是可將智慧型手機連線至車輛「通訊控制單元 (CCU)」通訊裝置的應用程式。配對後,車輛儀表螢幕即可顯示智慧型手機收到的資訊,例如通知和天氣預報。 主要功能 最後一哩: 獨有的「Garmin Motorize」* 機車導航應用程...
Link My Ride is more than just an App, it’s a community of like minded people united by the joy of cycling. Introducing Ticketing. Check out everything you need to know about our new, fully-featured ticketing solution. Find out more Ride planning made easy. Link My Ride empowers ...
The few roads that link villages are completely (完全地) covered with snow; people must travel on frozen rivers. If they do not have far to go, they put on snowshoes. These shoes prevent themfrom sinking into the thick snow. However, if they have a long journey to make they ride in...
👉My First是来自奥地利Scoot & Ride 公司的最新创新产品。时尚的三合一婴儿滑步车My First 陪伴你的孩子完成不少于 3 个发展阶段。可变形婴儿滑板车是一款婴儿坐骑滑行车,同时也是一辆学步车和滑板车。链接 发布于 2023-01-09 19:48・IP 属地德国
In 1982, when I was 12 years old, I cashed out my piggy bank and made my first big purchase on my own: a cassette tape by rap group Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five. Little did I know this purchase would set me down a path that would change my life
Hudson, J. (2012). I Want to Ride My Bicycle! Financing Sustainable Transport. In: Inderwildi, O., King, S. (eds) Energy, Transport, & the Environment. Springer, London. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4471-2717-8_33 .RIS
Link My Ride:由Chainlink和Ethereum支持的去中心化汽车租赁平台。 描述 本示例演示了上述设计模式,并将其应用于对等共享经济的用例。 在传统的汽车租赁平台中,汽车租赁者依靠租赁公司的“品牌力量”,并相信如果遵守条件,他们所提交的保证金将被退还。 作为车主/提供者,通过一个受信任的集中式平台通常需要牺牲大约30...
“The reception we received at our launch event and ride-outs in Barcelona and Girona was great and we’re already building a strong community on Link My Ride in Catalonia now, so adding in the language capability is a powerful upgrade to improve each rider’s experience when using the app...
“MyRide – Link” takes the fun of everyday mobility to a whole new level making your vehicle a more reliable partner than ever. MyRide – Link is an app that conn…