Whenyoucreatethecompanyfile,youhavetheoptionof i li f b ildi importinganaccounts listfromyouraccountant,buildingone h i ff i h f h fromscratchorstartingoffwithoneof themanypresetaccounts d d h f b listsprovided.Youcanthencustomiseittofityourbusiness, l h adding the accounts you need and delet...
All data was stored in binary data files and accessed by linked-lists and transaction linking. OCL was a sales success and generated a level of income that enabled me to start hiring staff, a commercial office and generally expanding the business. The first person I hired was my sister ...
emailinginvoicesandstatements,usingelectronic paymentsandcustomisingformsanddesigningreports.Fulldetailsoftopicscoveredare listedintheTableofContents. Eachunitisanindividualunitwithitsowndatafile,thereforetheunitscanbecoveredin anyordertosuittheneedsoftheuser. Thisworkbookcontainsdetailedstepbystepinstructionswiththeaidof...