MyNetDiary APP是专业的食物卡路里计算器,他通过专业的扫描仪快速判断当前食物的卡路里,并且为您提供健康的饮食建议! MyNetDiary官方简介 综合性的卡路里计数器应用,为您提供免费的条形码扫描仪、食物日志、宏营养追踪和全面饮食计划。它旨在成为您的个人减肥、饮食和营养助手,帮助您实现健康的生活方式。
软件标签:mynetdiary减肥app mynetdiary是专门为想减肥的小伙伴打造的线上食谱生成平台功能性非常强,可以帮助用户打造专属健康食谱适用于多种场合,用户可以查阅各种食物的卡路里养成好的学习习惯。 mynetdiary最新版简介 是为各位用户打造的一款专业健康生活服务软件,是您的减肥、饮食和营养私人助理。通过软件你可以一键扫...
MyNetDiary是一款卡路里计数器软件,它能够帮助大家查询每种食物的卡路里含量,通过app进行对准食物条形码就能清楚计算出来,同时软件也会合理推荐食物的搭配,想减肥的朋友,按照上面提示进行控制饮食,相信很快就能苗条下来 介绍 您是否正在寻找卡路里计数器,食物记录,大量营养追踪器或全面有效的饮食计划?认识MyNetDiary-您的个...
pictures and upload them, therefore adding to the database. Customer support is very quick. I had an email reply within minutes. There is still a lot more information in the app that I haven't even looked into yet. I am overly happy with this app both as a free version and paid ...
App 內購買項目 MyNetDiary PremiumUSD 8.99 MyNetDiary PremiumUSD 59.99 MyNetDiary PremiumUSD 59.99 開發者網站 App 支援 私隱政策 支援 家人共享 啟用「家人共享」後,部分 App 內購買項目(包括訂閱項目)可與家庭群組共享。進一步了解 Siri 在此App使用語音,即可完成任務。進一步了解...
MyNetDiary’s Diabetes Tracker app is the easiest and most comprehensive diabetes tracker app for the iPhone. MyNetDiary can help you better understand and control diabetes and pre-diabetes - along with improving your diet, losing weight, providing feedback, support, and motivation. MyNetDiary ...
Thank you for updating the app. Always yours, The MyNetDiary Team App 隐私 开发者“MyNetDiary Inc.”已表明该 App 的隐私规范可能包括了下述的数据处理方式。有关更多信息,请参阅开发者隐私政策。 未与你关联的数据 开发者可能会收集以下数据,但数据不会关联你的身份: ...
Free calorie counter and nutrition assistant app. MyNetDiary is your digital diet assistant for weight loss. Our calorie counter is easy to use, and the application goes way beyond that. Try MyNetDiary today!
Calorie Counter App “This is my favorite food diary app. I used six of the "top" apps in this category for several days so that I could compare them and select what worked best for me. MyNetDiary was the winner. Intuitive, simple layout, decent database, appealing graphic design, and...
Shrinky Self-Destruction With the MyNetDiary App | GeekMom | Wired.comKay T. Holt