型号 156 Mylar Thin Film 价格说明 价格:商品在爱采购的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生变化,也可能随着购买数量不同或所选规格不同而发生变化,如用户与商家线下达成协议,以线下协议的结算价格为准,如用户在爱采购上完成线上购买,则最终以订单结算页价格为准。 抢购价:商品参与营销活动的...
品名:XRF样品膜Sample Film 目录编号CAT.NO:256 产品信息:Mylar膜(迈拉膜、麦拉膜),厚度6.0 μm,直径63.5mm,500片/盒 品牌:美国Chemplex Industries.Inc.(原装进口) 货期:现货 起订量:1盒以上。 产品详细信息: SpectroCertified® Thin-Film Sampel Supports ...
美国CHEMPLEX-156 Mylar Thin Film麦拉膜,预切样品膜-迈拉膜 ¥ 800.00 /件 美国CHEMPLEX,156,Mylar,Thin,Film,麦拉膜,预切样品膜,迈拉膜 办公文教/实验室用品/其他实验室用品 立即拨号 Chemplex-XRF样品膜:麦拉膜Mylar®3.0μm(0.12 mil);2.5 英寸; ¥ 888.00 /个 Chemplex-XRF,XRF样品杯,XRF...
美国CHEMPLEX-156 Mylar Thin Film麦拉膜,预切样品膜-迈拉膜 ¥ 800.00 /件 美国CHEMPLEX,156,Mylar,Thin,Film,麦拉膜,预切样品膜,迈拉膜 办公文教/实验室用品/其他实验室用品 立即拨号 Chemplex-XRF样品膜:麦拉膜Mylar®3.0μm(0.12 mil);2.5 英寸; ¥ 888.00 /个 Chemplex-XRF,XRF样品杯,XRF...
品名:XRF样品膜Sample Film 目录编号CAT.NO:156 产品信息:Mylar膜(迈拉膜、麦拉膜),厚度3.6μm,直径63.5mm,500片/盒 品牌:美国Chemplex Industries.Inc. 货期:现货 起订量:1盒以上。 产品详细信息: SpectroCertified® Thin-Film Sampel Supports MYLAR® POLYESTER FILM CAT. NO:156 Gauge:0.00014”,3.6 μ...
mylar是一个名词,英音为[ˈmaɪlɑ:],美音为[ˈmaɪ˅lɑr],它的释义为一种聚酯类高分子物(是聚酯薄膜、涤纶薄膜、聚酯胶片的商品名),英文表述为“a thin polyester film”。 二、例句及翻译 1. “I think your brain is sealed in mylar and seriously need oxygen.”(我认为你的大脑被密封在...
主要翻译 英语中文 Mylar, mylarnuncountable, ®(thin polyester film)SC聚脂薄膜,麦拉片 备注: As a registered trademark, “Mylar” should be capitalized, but it is often not capitalized in informal communication. 标题中含有单词 'Mylar' 的论坛讨论: ...
美国CHEMPLEX-156 Mylar Thin Film麦拉膜,预切样品膜-迈拉膜 ¥ 800.00 /件 美国CHEMPLEX,156,Mylar,Thin,Film,麦拉膜,预切样品膜,迈拉膜 办公文教/实验室用品/其他实验室用品 立即拨号 Chemplex-XRF样品膜:麦拉膜Mylar®3.0μm(0.12 mil);2.5 英寸; ¥ 888.00 /个 Chemplex-XRF,XRF样品杯,XRF...
Noun1.Mylar- a thin polyester film trademark- a formally registered symbol identifying the manufacturer or distributor of a product plastic- generic name for certain synthetic or semisynthetic materials that can be molded or extruded into objects or films or filaments or used for making e.g. coati...
Moltenpolyethylene terephthalate(PET) is extruded as a thin film onto a chilled surface, such as a roller. The film is drawn biaxially. Special machinery may be used to draw the film in both directions at once. More commonly, the film is drawn first in one direction and then in the trans...