关键词: TextCNN;试飞运营问题;文本分类 中图分类号: TP391. 1 文献标志码: A OSID: 0 引言 民用飞机可靠性指标是民用飞机最重要的评 价指标之一. 很多可靠性指标评估过程依赖于飞 机故障 数据的获取, 如平均失效间隔时间 ( mean time between failures,简称 MTBF) 和故障千时率等 的计算都涉及故障次数. ...
Replacement & Repair: Choose from a variety of response and coverage times for ongoing break-fix maintenance. We can also inventory spare parts for your units and attend to those mission-critical items that mean the difference between success and failure of...