9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook mycoplasmal Thesaurus Medical Related to mycoplasmal:mycoplasmal pneumonia,Mycoplasma pneumoniae my·co·plas·ma (mī′kō-plăz′mə) n. Any of various extremely small bacteria of the genusMycoplasmathat lack...
A mycoplasma test is used to detect an active or recent infection caused by Ureaplasma urealyticum or Mycoplasma hominis, both bacterias that are transmitted through sexual contact.. There are different types of mycoplasma infections, so depending on which one is suspected, the testing may be done...
Immunity Serovar-specific 型特异的immunity follows infection Diagnostic Laboratory Tests Specimens first 10 days :blood; after first week :Urine 发病10天内取血液;1周后取尿液; Microscopic Examination直接镜检 Culture korthof medium ,28℃ Animal Inoculation动物接种 the intraperitoneal inoculation of young ...
231,252 This test is performed by adding 4 drops of blood to a tube containing sodium citrate or another anticoagulant. The tube is placed in ice water (0° C to 4° C) in a freezer for approximately 30 seconds and then examined immediately for coarse agglutination by tilting the tube ...
FIELD: medicine.;SUBSTANCE: invention represents a method for the Mycoplasma hominis DNA detection from a blood sample by dividing it into a supernatant and precipitate by centrifugation followed by enriching the analysed material, recovering DNA by affine sorption with a sorbent and a lysis buffer ...
an interesting discovery was the relationship that can be established betweenM. hominisandTrichomonas vaginalis, two human pathogens that colonize the same urogenital niche. In this biological association, the sexually transmittedM. hominisoccurs as an intracellular parasite of the pathogenic protistT. vag...
Mycoplasma infection can be associated with anemia and vasculitis (inflammation of blood vessels). Skin rashes, most commonly hives (itching red rash that comes and goes) are not unusual. Diagnosing It The biggest problem with diagnosing mycoplasma is that we still don’t have a good handle on...
Epsztejn, et al.H-Ferritin Subunit Overexpression in Erythroid Cells Reduces the Oxidative Stress Response and Induces Multidrug Resistance Properties. Blood 94 (10): 3593-3603 (1999) Gazit, et al.Recognition of Mycoplasma hyorhinis by CD99-Fc molecule. European Journal of Immunology, 34 (7): ...
Epsztejn, et al.H-Ferritin Subunit Overexpression in Erythroid Cells Reduces the Oxidative Stress Response and Induces Multidrug Resistance Properties. Blood 94 (10): 3593-3603 (1999) Gazit, et al.Recognition of Mycoplasma hyorhinis by CD99-Fc molecule. European Journal of Immunology, 34 (7): ...
Moreover, there are diverse pathogens causing female genital tract infection, among which sexually trans- mitted pathogens include not only MG and CT, but also Ureaplasma urealyticum, Mycoplasma hominis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. In future study, we will investigate the relationship bet...