当需要在insert语句中使用双重foreach标签时,通常是为了处理嵌套集合的数据结构。下面我将分点详细解释如何在MyBatis XML中使用双重foreach标签,并提供一个具体的示例。 1. 理解MyBatis的foreach标签功能及语法 foreach标签是MyBatis中的一个迭代标签,用于遍历集合并执行多次操作。其基本语法如下: xml <foreach ...
Iteration over the collection must not be done in the mybatis XML. Just execute asimple Insertstatement in a Java Foreach loop. The most important thing is the session Executor type. SqlSessionsession=sessionFactory.openSession(ExecutorType.BATCH);for(Modelmodel:list){ session.insert("insertStatem...
Iteration over the collection must not be done in the mybatis XML. Just execute a simple Insertstatement in a Java Foreach loop. The most important thing is the session Executor type. SqlSessionsession=sessionFactory.openSession(ExecutorType.BATCH);for(Model model : list) { session.insert("ins...
System.out.println("xmlInsert 批量插入耗时:"+(System.currentTimeMillis()-start)); } } //sql插入相关类 @Repository publicinterfaceUsersMapperextendsBaseMapper<Users> { @InsertProvider(type = UsersProvider.class, method = "insertListSql") public void sqlInsert(List<Users>list); public void xmlBa...
一、xml文件中foreach的主要属性 foreach元素的属性主要有 collection,item,index,separator,open,close。 collection: 表示集合,数据源 item :表示集合中的每一个元素 index :用于表示在迭代过程中,每次迭代到的位置 separator :表示在迭代时数据以什么符号作为分隔符 ...
Iteration over the collection must not be done in the mybatis XML. Just execute a simple Insertstatement in a Java Foreach loop. The most important thing is the session Executor type. SqlSession session = sessionFactory.openSession(ExecutorType.BATCH); ...
Iteration over the collection must not be done in the mybatis XML. Just execute a simple Insertstatement in a Java Foreach loop. The most important thing is the session Executor type. 代码语言:javascript 复制 SqlSession session=sessionFactory.openSession(ExecutorType.BATCH);for(Model model:list)...
使用mybatis-plus框架的insert方法,for循环,每次执行一次插入 使用ibatis,纯sql插入 新增xml执行效率测试:xml执行时间比sql稍慢一些,50000条数据插入时间约为2000毫秒左右,平均时间是sql的2倍左右。 先贴出执行效果(数字代表执行的时间,单位毫秒): 测试代码: ...
Iteration over the collection must not be done in the mybatis XML. Just execute a simple Insertstatement in a Java Foreach loop. The most important thing is the session Executor type. SqlSessionsession=sessionFactory.openSession(ExecutorType.BATCH); for(Modelmodel:list){ session.insert("insertSt...
xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> <mapper namespace="com.ca.dao.OrderDetailDao"> <insert id="insertObjects">