[NEW]mybatis sql log to real sql support [IMPROVE]support clear table config for mybatis generator [FIX]intelllij community generate code when table use key word [NEW]支持resultmap中使用constructor,提供自动提示,检测等 [IMPROVE]controller的模版可以自动提示 [IMPROVE]更好的性能 [NEW]mybatis日志转...
[FIX]fix mybatis log parameter line contain multiple ending space to sql 1.修复从接口类生成xml选中类名无法生成 2.优化mybatisplus生成updateByPrimaryKeySelective 3.mybatisplus定制列中配置的typehandler会生成到TableField注解上 4.select使用with语句的resultMap column自动提示的解析 ...
我写到account查询按钮的时候前端代码报错了,请问customerList这里的query方法为啥不是来自customer.js呀 ...
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to obtain deleted value,please use MybatisMpConfig.setDefaultValue(\"" + logicDelete.afterValue() + "\") to resolve it"); } return value; } Expand All @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ public static Object getLogicDeleteTimeValue(TableInfo tableInfo) { String dele...
[NEW]mybatis sql log to real sql support [IMPROVE]support clear table config for mybatis generator [FIX]intelllij community generate code when table use key word [NEW]支持resultmap中使用constructor,提供自动提示,检测等 [IMPROVE]controller的模版可以自动提示 ...
bruce ge Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA (Ultimate, Community), Android Studio
[NEW]mybatis sql log to real sql support [IMPROVE]support clear table config for mybatis generator [FIX]intelllij community generate code when table use key word [NEW]支持resultmap中使用constructor,提供自动提示,检测等 [IMPROVE]controller的模版可以自动提示 ...
[NEW]mybatis sql log to real sql support [IMPROVE]support clear table config for mybatis generator [FIX]intelllij community generate code when table use key word [NEW]支持resultmap中使用constructor,提供自动提示,检测等 [IMPROVE]controller的模版可以自动提示 [IMPROVE]更好的性能 [NEW]mybatis日志...
[NEW]mybatis sql log to real sql support [IMPROVE]support clear table config for mybatis generator [FIX]intelllij community generate code when table use key word [NEW]支持resultmap中使用constructor,提供自动提示,检测等 [IMPROVE]controller的模版可以自动提示 [IMPROVE]更好的性能 [NEW]mybatis日志...
[NEW]mybatis sql log to real sql support [IMPROVE]support clear table config for mybatis generator [FIX]intelllij community generate code when table use key word [NEW]支持resultmap中使用constructor,提供自动提示,检测等 [IMPROVE]controller的模版可以自动提示 [IMPROVE]更好的性能 [NEW]mybatis日志转...