当你在使用springboot+mybatis的时候发现以下图片中的错误 问题很简单该接口没有受到spring的管理 : @Mapper注解的的作用 1:为了把mapper这个DAO交給Spring管理 2:为了不再写mapper映射文件 3:为了给mapper接口 自动根据一个添加@Mapper注解的接口生成一个实现类 然后你再看看你的包扫描配置,添加上你的包扫描路径,如...
1. springboot+mybatis出现A component required a bean of type 'XXX' that could not be found错误解决springboot+mybatis出现A component required a bean of type 'XXX' that could not be found错误解决(4167) 2. eclipse项目上有个红色感叹号的解决方法(672) 3. 使用(@WebServlet(name = "",urlP...
Required String parameter 'XXX' is not present 2019-12-18 14:11 −环境: springboot 1.5.13.RELEASE 问题: 页面post请求 报错:Required String parameter 'XXX' is not present 解决之路: 笔者在controller里打了debugger,当参数过大时进入不了,但post参数... ...
SpringBoot和mybatis整合完后,如果按照spring的整合习惯,可能会发现一个错误: APPLICATION FAILED TO START *** Description: Field entFileDao in com.alibaba.serviceImpl.EntFileServiceImpl required a bean of type 'com.alibaba.dao.EntFileDao' that could not be found. Action: Consider defining a bean ...
springboot+mybatis出现A component required a bean of type 'XXX' that could not be found错误解决 转载:https://blog.csdn.net/suxiexingchen/article/details/84984349好文要顶 关注我 收藏该文 微信分享 路要一步一步走 粉丝- 6 关注- 2 +加关注 0 0 升级成为会员 ...
Field entFileDao in com.alibaba.serviceImpl.EntFileServiceImpl required a bean of type 'com.alibaba.dao.EntFileDao' that could not be found. Action: Consider defining a bean of type 'com.alibaba.dao.EntFileDao' in your configuration. ...
报错"Parameter 0 of method stringRedisTemplate in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.data.redis.RedisAutoConfiguration required a bean of type 'org.springframework.data.redis.connection.RedisConnec" 2019-12-10 17:07 − 解决办法: pom文件的redis依赖改成 <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework...
针对你提出的问题“parameter 0 of constructor in org.mybatis.spring.mapper.MapperFactoryBean required a bean of type 'java.lang.Class' that could not be found”,我们可以从以下几个方面进行排查和解决: 1. 确认org.mybatis.spring.mapper.MapperFactoryBean的用法和参数要求 MapperFactoryBean是MyBatis-Spr...
A component required a bean of type ‘com.jvtd.mapper.auth.AdminUserMapper’ that could not be found. Action: Consider defining a bean of type ‘com.jvtd.mapper.auth.AdminUserMapper’ in your configuration. 这个问题把我整整搞了一天,把我坑的一逼,耽误的一天时间什么也没干 ...
Field xxMapper in xx.service.impl.xxServiceImpl required a bean of type 'xx.mapper.xxMapper 以前是通过xml文件配置的,但spring boot不用配置xml文件。 解决方法: 1:可以在每个dao加上@Mapper或者@Repository注解 2:统一在启动类配置@MapperScan @SpringBootApplication @MapperScan("com.example.demo.base....