Two maize genes, Zm 1 and Zm 38 , related to the regulatory anthocyanin gene C1 were analyzed molecularly and used for fusion constructs in transient domain swapping experiments with the C1 wild-type gene. It was shown that both genes ( Zm 1 and Zm 38 ) influence the expression of the ...
2020b). The WER transcription factor has also been acknowledged in Arabidopsis as a MYB-related protein that regulates the expression of GLABRA2 to control epidermal cell patterning in a position-dependent manner (Lee and Schiefelbein 1999). Most of the AqcoeR2R3-MYB domains showed a moderate ...
Because neither v-Myb nor c-Myb are normally present in fibroblasts, one hypothesis is that v-Myb and c-Myb may act as tumor suppressors by dominantly inhibiting the function of B-Myb, a closely related protein which appears to be ubiquitously expressed in all vertebrate cells including in ...
[ 8 ], zmmate1 and zmmate2 in maize ( zea mays ) [ 9 ]. almt family is control of the al tolerance mechanism based on malate exudation. taalmt1 is the first al-tolerant gene cloned in plants, which encodes a transporter protein that involves the isolation of malate from the root ...
(Rho-related GTPases of plants) 的表达,从而在 ABA 途径中起负调控作用,包括 ABA 介导的气孔关闭和干旱响应[69].在 MYB96 受 MIEL1(RING-type E3 ligase)泛素化介导的降解途 径中,ABA 通常会抑制 MIEL1 的表达, 从而促进 MYB96 的积累,使 MYB96 在种子萌发期通过促进 初级种子休眠的正调节因子 ABI4...
MYB 转录因子基因同时参与调控植物的多种 次生代谢途径,对植物的细胞分化,形态发生和建 成有重要的调控作用.研究表明,葡萄 VvMYBPA1[20],拟南芥 AtMYB7[21]等转录因子基因 均调控原花青素的合成,杨树 PtoMYB156[22]参与 黄酮类物质的合成 , 荷花 NnMYB4[21] 和玉米 ZmMYB31[23]等转录因子基因参与调控木质...
螺旋被认为是"识别螺旋", 其负责识别 DNA 结合位点,并以此结构结合在目标 DNA 的主沟中(图 1).根据与动物 c-myb 中 3 个重 复序列 R1,R2 或 R3 的相似性以及 R 重复序列的 数量, 将植物 MYB 家族分为 4 类 :1R-MYB/MYB- related,2R-MYB/R2R3-MYB,3R-MYB/R1R2R3-MYB 和 4R-MYB(图 1)...
Both Htn1 and ZmWAK encode wall-associated receptor-like kinases that confer quantitative resistance against northern leaf blight (NLB) and head smut, respectively (Hurni et al., 2015; Zuo et al., 2015). ZmCCT, which encodes a CCT motif protein, and ZmAuxRP1 (Auxin regulated protein 1) ...
We retrieved the proteome data ofB. junceafromBrassicaDatabase(BRAD), ( and using StandAlone Blast, a local database for the same was created [45]. Consequently, we retrieved the protein sequences ofMYBandMYB-related genes ofB. rapa,B. napus,B. oleracea,A. lyrata...
(2R-MYB sub family), 1 R1R2R3-MYB protein (3R MYB subfamily), and 74 MYB-related proteins (MYB related subfamily). Notably absent were representatives of the 4R-MYB class. Detailed attributes including coding sequence, protein sequence, sub-cellular localization, isoelectric point (PI), and...