In July and August 2009, a customer tried to change U$10,000 in fake notes at the State Bank of India’s main office in Imphal, Manipur. The fake bills were all of the US$100 denomination and of excellent quality, according to sources. It was the first such incident in Manipur. ...
ixlib=rb-1.1.0&q=30&auto=format&w=600&h=400&fit=crop&dpr=2(accessed on 7 February 2021). 24 Medical workers join nationwide strike after military coup, Naypyitaw, Myanmar—5 February 2021. Photograph: Maung Lonlan/EPA.
In 2016, when the democratically elected Tanintharyi regional government took office, the new Regional Chief Minister announced in her election speech that she would address these land conflicts around oil palm concessions. 2.3. The Background and Story of the Multi-Stakeholder Platform The semi-civ...