7 Day News Journal newspaper from Yangon, Myanmar 7 Day News Journal More: All newspapers from Myanmar | More newspapers from Yangon Paperboy Visitors looking for newspapers and obits in Myanmar, often visit the following local papers: Myanmar Times ...
KUNMING, Oct. 12 (Xinhua) -- Scientists have discover a new terrestrial shrimp genus, with two species identified, during a China-Myanmar expedition on Mount Victoria in the southwest of Myanmar. A paper on the finding was published in the latest issue of the international journal ZooKeys. Si...
nov., a new fern species from mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber of norther Myanmar (Dennstaedtiaceae, Polypodiales) [Cretaceou... "Microlepia"burmasiais a recently described eupolypod fern from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber by Long etal. (2023). According to the latest taxonomic system... W ...
April in Changsha must be enjoying the beautiful spring. Here, however in Yeni of Myanmar, it’s really in hot summer season. Highest temperature at noon can even reach 40℃ and above. Construction site of Myanmar Yeni Pulp & Paper project, subcontracted by CEC Project Contracting Department a...
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Chairman of Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing limited, which is Hong Kong-listed Chinese private papermaking company, told Bago Region Chief Minister U Win Thein that the company will use the waste from the production plant to generate electricity for the plant itself. ...
Collection of notebooks accompanying a research paper on evaluating GHG emissions from hydroelectric, multipurpose and irrigation reservoirs in Myanmar - tomjanus/ghg_emissions_myanmar
//myanmareiti.org/en/publication/reoi-project-coordinator https://myanmareiti.org/sites/myanmareiti.org/files/publication_docs/reoi_and_tor_for_forestry.pdf https://eiti.org/myanmar#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20latest%20EITI,total%20exports%20in%202017%2D2018.&text=The%20EITI%20is%20...
This paper will use the case study of a Chinese Mahayana Buddhist nun in a border town in Shan state, Myanmar, to explore the importance of identity in transnational Buddhism. Three life stories related to the Chinese Mahayana Buddhist nun will be told; that is, stories of her mother, her...
This research paper presents an all-encompassing methodology for multi-criteria decision-making in the apparel sector, with the particular objective of aiding in the determination of the most appropriate location within the CLMV subregion. The research i