问题描述:mysql在开启group_replication后,状态显示为RECOVERING,告警日志报错MY-013117、MY-011582、MY-011583,如下所示: 数据库:MySQL 8.0.27 系统:rhel 7.3 64位 1、问题重现 Slave02[(none)]> select * from performance_schema.replication_group_members; +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---...
OS is migrated from redhat 7 to redhat 8 as well After upgrade, insert update delete are OK But when we start replica, encounter below error. Same error when start replica in another DB instance 2023-05-18T18:51:55.775430+08:00 6 [ERROR] [MY-013117] [Repl] Replica SQL for channel ...
[MY-013117] [Repl] Replica SQL for channel '': (null), Error_code: MY-013117 uploaded my.cnf and DB log for reference - my.cnf.mnotintt1 - my.cnf.mnotintt2 - mysqld.err.mnotintt1 - mysqld.err.mnotintt2 Since the error message is (null) we do not know what is the exact...
播放量:45 在手机上播 视频简介 发行时间:2021-09-19