Could not load file or assembly;log4net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304; or one of its dependencies. Could not load the assembly 'App_Web_default.aspx.cdcab7d2'. Make sure that it is compiled before accessing the page Country code file with Names and ...
A trick I started to use on Forensic challenges was to use a tool like Kape to copy all of the important data to a USB stick, then copy extra ‘fluff’ data across, this was typically the contents of program files, and user appdata. I would then capture the USB stick which was 8GB...
Code Snippet Manager- Another utility program that allows coders to put in functions, classes or other tidbits to save for use later. Organized by the type of snippet or language the coder can quickly look up code.Optional: For extra practice try adding syntax highlighting based on the language...
Extend disk automatically with powershell 4 - self-service Extended Ascii characters showing as question marks in cat'd file using streamreader and streamwriter .NET classes Extra space in write-host output Extract 437879_intl_x64_zip.exe through powershell Extract a string after slash/character ...
Code Repository files navigation README MS-PL license [![FOSSA Status](]( myAut2Exe - The Open Source...
Here's a screenshot from the USPS address lookup: * There are some commercial addresses in the US has an extra 4-digit number at the end of their ZIP Code (eg. XXXXX-XXXX), which can help with the accuracy of finding the address. However, it's...
So instead I will drop some questions below that you can use in interviews, or lookup answers for. All I will say is try to keep in mind the point of this post; to understand WHY you are asking or being asked these questions. Rather than just simply dropping “answer = this” If ...
What is ZIP+4:It is a basic five-digit code with four digits added as an extra identifier. How to find your ZIP+4:Use Melissa'saddress check tooltoverify an addressand find your ZIP+4. Your ZIP+4 is a basic five-digit code with four digits added as an extra identifier. It helps...
Code Snippet Process::Start My program also closes after the external exe file starts. I commented this out thinking it was the problem but it didn’t help. Code Snippet // I’m using NameSpaces using namespace System; using namespace System::Diagnostics; using namespace System::Compon...
NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork19 Star17 Issues Files master configs etc home/morfik .config .conky .gnupg .ncmpcpp .oh-my-zsh/custom plugins themes 10-config.zsh 20-vars.zsh 50-aliases.zsh 80-hints.zsh ...