Answers a question on how the husband can be supportive of her wife who will undergo hysterectomy and if the operation will adversely affect their sex life.Penner, CliffPenner, JoyceMarriage Partnership
My wife just had a hysterectomy. I love how hospitals bill. Cost of two days stay and the operating room costs – $25,000. Not to mention the surgeon’s fee, the anaesthesiologist, the urologist, the radiologist. But the hospital bill when discounted to the negotiated price was a MERE...
I wouldn’t leave the mountains, still wouldn’t be his wife. He insisted that he couldn’t leave his job, so I HAD to change my mind and move to his hometown, but I can’t uproot my family, not to mention I do not like when men tell me what to do. Soon enough, he called ...
ahysterectomy 子宫切除[translate] a中秋节美食首推月饼,其起源说法多种。一说元代末年,江苏 泰州的反元起义领袖张士诚(或说是朱元璋的谋士刘伯温)利用中秋民众互赠圆饼之际,在饼中夹带“八月十五夜杀鞑子”的字条,大家见了饼中字条,一传十,十传百,如约于这天夜里一起手刃无恶不作的“鞑子”(元兵),过后家...
Here’s another question: if you are still young enough and fertile enough that having a child is possible, albeit unlikely, when do you declare that you are childless or childfree? If you have had a hysterectomy or had your tubes tied, you have a definite answer. No kids. But what if...
13. They seem perfectly pleasant, don't they? They are. He was a marine pilot. She was a housewife. Married 47 years, they had one child. My mom is just like everyone else. She's nice enough. No great sense of humor. Hates confrontation. My dad's just like you. Not the caring...
knew that I was facing surgery, but I was hoping it would be laparoscopic surgery. He said it was too big for that and he would go back in the same incision where I had a hysterectomy and an ectopic pregnancy removal.I knew the pain and recovery I would be facing…or so I thought!
This week, I am trying to do Kegel’s everyday. For those of you not familiar this is a pelvic floor exercise. It helps ward off terrible things like uterine prolapse and incontinence. In a couple of weeks I am scheduled to have a hysterectomy and salpingectomy so the Kegel thing was ...
In August of 2023, my wife of 22 years was diagnosed with stage 2b breast cancer. Just had a clear mammogram in May of 2023, but felt pain where it shouldn’t be and had it checked out. The initial ultrasound begat a whole slew of tests. The mass looked like cauliflower, so that ...
I was experiencing night sweats “before.” During the worst of the chemos. And then ever since my radical hysterectomy and salpingo-oopherectomy two years ago. But the hot flashes and night sweats that spiked when I had to have my my surgery two years ago had begun to wane (well, some...