This popular sitcom stars Damon Wayans as Michael Kyle, a successful entrepreneur and devoted family man who, along with his beautiful wife, Jay, just wants to shepherd his three young children unscathed through the tempests of life. Genres:TV Comedies ...
My Wife and Kids(2000–2005) 8/10 I was so invested in this show !! 30 March 2024 I started watching this show a couple weeks ago on Netflix and just finished it today. I was so interested in the show and would just binge watch it. I'm a fan of Black Sitcoms and this was fo...
My wife and kids This is the # 1 show on T.V that I really miss, that and Married... With Children.My Wife and Kids follows Michael Kyle, who married his wife, Jay, after accidentally impregnating her, and now three children, his dimwitted eldest son Junior, whom he frequently smacks...
On 1/12/2023 at 4:42 AM, ejgaudette said: Still hoping to get at least one of my kids into, m oldest is a bit interested but still a little young to get out there too much, but maybe soon. From what I had heard. When Netflix released the F1 Documentary (same film crew tha...
Tony Bill'sMy Bodyguardis next up for the remake treatment. The re-do of the 1980 film, which starredChris Makepeace,Adam BaldwinandMatt Dillon, is being set up at Dimension Films.Jeff Lieberis penning the script about a boy who enlists his new school's most feared kid when he finds ...
The passengers on this 1880 road trip are all very interesting. Several of them have something to hide about themselves. Mr. Peacock is perhaps the most normal of the passengers, a whiskey salesman with a wife and a passel of kids back in Kansas City. Doc Boone, the man with medical ...
292: My Wife Wants Another Kid, But I Don’t | Feedback Friday December 19, 2019 Posted Under:Feedback Friday,Podcast Episodes Reading Time:2minutes You’ve got two lovely kids, and you’re perfectly content to stop there, but your spouse has other plans. How do you break the news yo...
The Coynes have long been a prominent local family and despite his workload on their farm, and running the local pub, Michael is frequently preoccupied with maintaining his standing. He often fails to pay Rose the sort of attention she deserves. ...
I’m on a binge, y’all and it has nothing to do with Netflix! I started to find ways to bring my love of books back into my life. I know how important it is to carve out time for things you love. It’s also important for kids to see us doing things we love. I’ve ...
And my kids’ well-meaning grandparental units become as persistent as an abandoned online shopping cart, asking me throughout November for a list of affordable -yet what my kids really really wanted for Christmas- items they can fill our overcrowded bedrooms with. ...