caught between worlds. Caught by her own desires, too. Her heart belongs to a girl named Josephine, but soon her father will have to find her a husband or be forced to pay a hefty fine to the French crown. Among her mother’s people, Jeanne would have been considered blessed, her two...
Princess of Wales Theatre: Family viewing of the North American touring company of the musical Wicked, more than 20 years after ithe show premiered on Broadway. Three nights earlier, sons had a home viewing of the 1939 Wizard of Oz movie, for which the parent did not need a refresher. T...
Nigerian tradition dictates that upon the king’s death, his right-hand man must commit ritual suicide to ensure his ruler’s safe passage into the afterlife and continued prosperity for their community. In the southwestern town of Oyo circa 1946, British colonizers got in the way of this cust...
Hannah, and her husband, Thomas, whom Ben has never even met. Struggling with an anxiety disorder compounded by their parents’ rejection, they come out only to Hannah, Thomas, and their therapist and try to keep a low
Brick and Lace-Love Is Wicked The Jamaican-American amazing singer-songwriter, Brick and Lace kick off this record “Love Is Wicked”. They made the song worldwide this year, 2007 which was lifted from their new and anticipated body of work album titled “Love Is Wicked”. Truly, the song...