除此之外,《My Weird School》还有若干衍生套系: 《My Weird School Specials 》(12本), 教授孩子们基本的写作和阅读技巧的《My Weird Writing Tips》和《My Weird Reading Tips》, 分级读物I Can Read线的《My Weird School: I Can Read》 (2016-?, 4本), 非虚构百科全书类的《My Weird School Fast F...
本次课程,我们选择来自美国出版社HarperCollins的一套初级章节书,校园题材故事书,纽约时报畅销儿童作家Dan Gutman的代表作My Weird School《疯狂学校》作为精读教材。 该系列以二年级新生A.J.的视角,描述了一二年级发生的种种荒诞无厘头的校园趣事:...
本次课程,我们选择来自美国出版社HarperCollins的一套初级章节书,校园题材故事书,纽约时报畅销儿童作家Dan Gutman的代表作My Weird School《疯狂学校》作为精读教材。 该系列以二年级新生A.J.的视角,描述了一二年级发生的种种荒诞无厘头...
ABOUT THE BOOKS With more than 100 titles and 35 million copies sold, Dan Gutman’s My Weird School series follows the day-to-day life of wisecracking A.J., his loyal pals Ryan and Michael, and his archenemy, smarty-pants Andrea, as they face a set of wacky teachers at Ella Mentry...
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Mrs. Roopy, the new librarian, comes to school wearing a pot on her head! One day she thinks she s George Washington, and the next day she s Little Bo Peep! The worst part is, she doesn t even know how crazy she is!
My Weird School 12 - Ms Todd Is Odd 星级: 109 页 My school 星级: 2 页 My School 星级: 2 页 《疯狂学校》(6册) 星级: 1 页 My School 星级: 1 页 MY SCHOOL 星级: 1 页 My Weird School - Mr. Klutz Is Nuts(荐) 星级: 108 页 My Weird School #2 - Mr. Klutz Is Nu...
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My Weird School #6Dan Gutman