Volvo On Call,請參閱Volvo On Call*的功能表選項。 FAV 鍵選項- 將MY CAR中經常使用的功能連結到FAV按鍵,請參閱最愛 資訊,請參閱MY CAR資訊 重置為原廠設定- 所有的使用者資料都會重設,所有功能表中的所有設定值則會使用原始出廠設定。 維修與修理 My Car→保養 & 維修 在此有車輛服務及維修中心資訊以及...
導航指令僅於安裝 Volvo 導航系統* 時適用。 語音辨識 - 快速指令 使用者設定 預設選項 經訓練的用戶 語音辨識 - 設定 喇叭調整 語音辨識專屬說明功能 讀出速度 快速 中 緩慢 語音辨識 - 設定 * 選配/附件。 相關文章 MY CAR MY CAR 是一個功能表來源,可控制本車許多功能,如 City Safety™、車鎖與警報器... Céline Leger Assistante Relations Publiques Téléphone: 0156835452 Etes-vous client Volvo ? Please contact our Global Customer relations office at Press Material Communiqués Photos Vidéos Informations Co... Amanda Ignatius Brand & Lifestyle Communications Phone: +1 201-768-7300 View more media contacts Are you a Volvo customer? Please contact our Global Customer relations office at Press Material Press Releases ...
开始要知道,苹果手机的设置里可以看到carplay。知道这一点了,具体操作流程为:沃尔沃有一个白色边框的USB接口,用苹果数据线将手机连接到这一接口。连接成功后,进到手机的carplay选项,在carplay选项里可以看到My volvo car,打开My volvo car,这个时候看到的图标就是能投射到车辆中控屏上使用的app。...
• Volvo Conclusion Android Auto redefines the way we interact with our vehicles. We have talked about how to activate Android Audio and connect to it. Hope you can seamlessly integrate our smartphones into the driving experience, ensuring a safe, convent, and entertaining experience. Whether...
当然,届时功能也会得到扩展,所有现在Volvo On Call上可以实现的功能,都可以通过API接口,通过微信的方式实现。工程师也表示,微信在控制中起到的作用只是传输命令,接受命令并实现控制的是车内的一款通讯控制设备,所以能够在安全性上得到保证。当然这也并不意味着这种通讯方式就一定是安全的,从智能手机的先例来看,漏洞大...
Orjan • 443 days ago # + 2 - App not working Brand new Q4 e-tron and app is useless. Have had Volvo for over 10 years, different models and app was sometimes slow/laggy but always working. Very bad experience here as a start with Audi. Need to go to car for programming chargi...
Developer’s Description By Volvo Car CorporationLa revista official My Volvo Magazine para iPad incluye noticias, artculos, ofertas y propuestas para los amantes de la marca: todo lo que... La revista official My Volvo Magazine para iPad incluye noticias, artculos, ofertas y propuestas para ...
BMW app has the virtual 3D view, which is a neat parlor trick but so slow and lo-res it's pretty useless. Audi has a bunch of "features" like valet tracking and geofencing which require a (expensive) subscription, which I never used. Overall it's neat to say "my car has an app"...