This not only adds depth to one's fashion sense but also fosters cultural awareness and respect. By appreciating the intricacies of various fashion traditions, college students can contribute to a more inclusive and diverse fashion discourse. In conclusion, my views on fashion are shaped by a bel...
我对赶时髦的看法(My View on Following the Fashion) 我对赶时髦的看法(my view on following the fashion) nowadays more and more young people prefer to follow the fashion. on this phenomenon, different people have different views. it is held that one should follow the fashion so as not to ...
My View on Following the Fashion(我认为时尚) 2010-08-19 小编: 刘经华 Nowadaysmoreandmoreyoungpeopleprefertofollowthefashion.Onthisphenomenondifferentpeoplehavedifferentviews.Itisheldthatoneshouldfollowthefashionsoasnottobedespisedorconsideredeccentric.Butitisalsoheldthatoneshouldhaveone\'sownjudgment.Thosewho...
大学英语作文 Fashi on is the style and custom prevale nt at a give n time, and is most com monly used to describe the popular clothi ng style. For the purpose of beauty, people like to chase fashi on, we can find the compa ny promote differe nt styles in differe nt seas on. On...
五年级作文叙事 MyViewonFollowingtheFashion (我认为时尚)_450字 Nowadaysmoreandmoreyoungpeopleprefer tofollowthefashion.Onthisphenomenon differentpeoplehavedifferentviews.Itis heldthatoneshouldfollowthefashionsoas nottobedespisedorconsideredeccentric.But
1、五年级作文叙事MyViewonFollowingtheFashion(我认为时尚)_450字Nowadays more and more young people prefer to follow the fashion. On this phenomenon different people have different views. It is held that one should follow the fashion so as not to be despised or considered eccentric. But it is ...
thing .But what if the child insist on buying one? And what if the parents haven't enough money?Then ,following fashion takes a lot of time and may have a bad effect on daily study or work. Isn't it a bad thing?So ,don't follow fashion so neatly, just be yourself ...
And then we would watch a fashion show, buy some gifts for my parents, listen to the concert and eat delicious Italian food. We would enjoy our perfect holiday! My perfect holiday When I was young, I always had interesting holiday. But now I'm a teenager. I don't have a...
discussions about brand names have become one of the college students’ favourite pastimes.They learn about the latest fashion from each other,exchange tips about when and where to get the item,and buy it at their earliest convenience.“keeping up with the joneses” is their conviction –“if ...