LesFerch/WinSetView - Globally Set Explorer Folder Views seven1m/justforfunnoreally.dev - A little website to explain that sometimes we just like to have fun! summivox/thucal2 - Tsinghua University curriculum -> iCalendar format (.ics) -> Google Calendar, etc. GitHubyangjunyi/XMind - ...
The next folder you must change to is labeled “steamapps“. You will now want to move to the “compatdata” directory. This directory is where any game or program running under Proton is installed on your Steam Deck, including EA App. 22. Now that we are in the “compatdata” directo...
Always refresh the buffer on showing a subfolder.(defun jrm/dired-subtree-toggle-and-refresh () "Calls dired toggle and refreshes the buffer." (interactive) (dired-subtree-toggle) (revert-buffer)) (use-package dired-subtree :after dired :config (bind-key "<tab>" #'jrm/dired-subtree-...
Select Add from Mount Points and copy the folder location where the software is stored to the Native Path and create a Virtual Path{In our example native path would be C:\Users\SBaier\Provisioning\PVOS_CCX_Trio_Everest0C_8.0.0.CCX_19946_C60_19921_Dev and virtu...
You will also need to create the ERLANG_HOME environment variable pointing to the root folder of where Erlang was installed. I forgot to run the Erlang installer as Administrator, how do I fix it? Installing as a non-administrator user leaves the .erlang.cookie in the wrong location. This ...
✅ Does resetting my laptop allow me to change the name of the user folder on C:\Users ?:Hello, I would like to ask if resetting my laptop using "Reset this PC" allows me to change the name of the user folder on C:\Users.It's been bothering...
"USER" folder - can I delete stuff? "Windows Login Reminder" asking clients to lock and unlock to update them- Windows 10 "Windows needs your current credentials [...]" pop-up still there after group policy update "Windows Search" service: Windows could not start the windows se...
How to rename my user folder? I'm trying to use an app which is in my user folder. This app doesn't recognize a character in my windows username and shuts down immediately.The user settings in control panel don't seem to allow me to rename it anymore.My desktop user has a signed ...
A user is considered as inactive, if the user has not logged in to the Zoho mail account for a period of more than 120 days. The login through POP, IMAP and Active Sync are all taken into account for tracking the period of inactivity. Whoever received the communication...
John Gruver Author User level: Level 1 46 points Why does my Applications Folder permissions not include me? Added after posting (please still answer the original ?s if you have time): I just read the post about a similar situation in 2009. So, if I'm the only admin in the admin ...