One day, out of nowhere, I suspect because of USB driver updates, all of my USB ports stopped working. After doing some research, I found - 738021
✅ All my USB-A ports stopped working, but my USB-C port works just fine.:So, a week ago all my USB-A ports stopped working I have 3. However, my USB-C port works just fine. I've searched the internet for hours and tried...
On external USB devices that do not have an eject (microphone , webcam, iPhone, Android, etc) if unplugged they may not work in the same usb port if plugged back in. I have had to use a second or 3rd port in my 8 port USB-3 hub for example. Your external drive may...
On external USB devices that do not have an eject (microphone , webcam, iPhone, Android, etc) if unplugged they may not work in the same usb port if plugged back in. I have had to use a second or 3rd port in my 8 port USB-3 hub for example. Your external...
✅ windows fail to update, and my usb ports, sd card ports, audio stopped working after restart:Hello,I have a problem with installing windows update KB5035893, and all of my other updates after that also failed to install. Error 0x800703f1It...
My MacBook pro 13 2020 ( Model A2251) rapidly connect & disconnect charger on the left first usb C port , Other ports works fine & the left first port is also working with other accessories like HDD mouse etc but don't charge just connect & disconnect. After that I restarted the lapto...
This applies to both desktop and laptop computers. If your PC has two RAM sticks, you can try pulling them out and connecting one at a time, preferably on the different slots to see if any of the ports is faulty or it’s the RAM stick that has some issue. Make sure to remove any...
Single USB-C port not working on Macbook Pro (13-in, 2020, M1, Touchbar) One of my USB-C ports has recently stopped working (both for power and connecting accessories). I can find no information online about recommendations for resetting the ports. No SMC reset is possible with the M1...
Step 1. Plug the USB cable halfway through your computer's USB ports. Step 2. Wait for the WD hard drive to show up in File Explorer.Step 3. When you see your hard drive, push the USB completely into the USB port. It might be unreasonable, but many people solved their problems ...
My MacBook's USB that near the shift key suddenly stopped working. Other works fine. cause I need to have both ports work. HOW do I solve this? View 14 RepliesView Related Windows On Mac :: Playing Music In Itunes As The Computer Stopped Itunes Stopped And Crashed?