1. 从 tomtom.com/mysports/getstarted/ 下载 TomTom MySports Connect 并安装在电脑上. TomTom MySports Connect 可免费下载. 2. 将手表放在桌面底座上,然后将该底座连接到您的计算机. 请按 TomTom MySports Connect 提供的指示操作. 为手表充满电之后,您便可以打您的第一洞. 提示:当电池动画停止移动并...
TOMTOM Mysports在安卓系统上确实可以下载安装。这款应用支持中文,用户可以顺利安装并使用。同时,QuickGPSFIX也能够在安卓设备上正常运行,为用户提供精准的位置服务。不过,其他的一些应用可能并不兼容安卓系统或存在功能限制。TOMTOM Mysports安卓版的下载链接为:https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta...
(via the desk dock provided), go to www.tomtom.com/123 and download MySports Connect Desktop Application to:• create your MySports Account• download the latest watch software version (1.7.29 or above)You can then download the MySports mobile app and connect your watch with your ...
(via the desk dock provided), go to www.tomtom.com/123 and download MySports Connect Desktop Application to:• create your MySports Account• download the latest watch software version (1.7.29 or above)You can then download the MySports mobile app and connect your watch with your ...
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Find what size strap your watch is compatible with by searching for your Watch Model, Brand, Lug Width or Watch Model Number and find the right sized strap for your watch! To determine the width of the watch strap, simply measure the space between the lugs as per the picture below:...