Ponte en la piel de un obrero novato en Sandrock. ¬--- My Time at Sandrock: Al igual que My Time at Portia, My Time at Sandrock se desarrolla en un increíble mundo postapocalíptico 300 años después de que la destruc
Übernimm in Sandrock die Rolle als neuer Baumeister. ¬--- My Time at Sandrock – Wie auch My Time at Portia spielt My Time at Sandrock in einer florierenden post-apokalyptischen Welt. 300 Jahre sind vergangen, seit fast alle modernden Technologien am Tag der Katastrophe zerstört...
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《沙石镇时光》已加入Xbox游戏通行证。《沙石镇时光 My Time at Sandrock》现已加入Xbox游戏通行证 Xbox Game Pass(主机版+PC版)。 《沙石镇时光 My Time at Sandrock》现已登陆Xb - 游戏早知道于20240707发布在抖音,已经收获了9570个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
在Sandrock度過的時光 - 就像在Portia度過的時光一樣,沙石鎮時光發生在大災難日後300年,當大部分現代技術都被摧毀的一個美好的後末日世界。在接受了成為Sandrock的新手建築師的工作邀請後,您將抵達這個野性而崎嶇的城邦,在那裏,憑借您和您的可靠工具來恢復社區的昔日
“《恋爱时光》DLC为《沙石镇时光》带来了丰富的恋爱内容扩展。现在,您将有机会与四位深受喜爱的人物角色展开更深入的浪漫故事。这个扩展包精心编织了更多精彩的故事情节、浪漫的纪事以及充满情感的语音互动,让您的恋爱旅程变得更加绚丽多彩!” ¥ 24.90 发布...
My Time at Sandrock•Jun 19, 2024 My Time at Sandrock is a life and farming simulation RPG developed by Pathea Games. Players will now be able to fight, build, farm, fish, and terraform together across Xbox and PC platforms. Cross-Play support for PlayStation and Nintendo Switch will ar...
Exciting times ahead forMy Time at Sandrockin 2024! Brace yourselves for the integration of DLC into multiplayer mode, promising collaborative adventures like never before. And console players, rejoice! A December update syncs up with PC 1.0 content, followed by a January release to keep pace wi...
My Time at Sandrock-Just like My Time at Portia, My Time at Sandrock takes place in a wholesome post-apocalyptic world 300 years after the Day of Calamity destroyed most modern technologies.After accepting a job offer to become Sandrock’s newest Builder, you’ll arrive in the wild and rugg...
world into darkness. However, the spark of civilization did not extinguish, and today, humanity has gradually built its new home on the ruins. Diligent explorers have established a small town next to the Eufaula Desert, and named it "Sandrock", where the story of "My Time at Sandrock" ...