简介:日更游戏不易,希望大佬们能够多多点赞三连! 感谢大伙一直以;已有15名玩家向您推荐本视频,点击前往哔哩哔哩bilibili一起观看;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 902、弹幕量
“《恋爱时光》DLC为《沙石镇时光》带来了丰富的恋爱内容扩展。现在,您将有机会与四位深受喜爱的人物角色展开更深入的浪漫故事。这个扩展包精心编织了更多精彩的故事情节、浪漫的纪事以及充满情感的语音互动,让您的恋爱旅程变得更加绚丽多彩!” ¥ 24.90 发布...
My Time at Sandrock-Just like My Time at Portia, My Time at Sandrock takes place in a wholesome post-apocalyptic world 300 years after the Day of Calamity destroyed most modern technologies.After accepting a job offer to become Sandrock’s newest Builder, you’ll arrive in the wild and rugg...
My Time At Sandrock 2022.06.06 -是My Time At Sandrock(沙石镇时光)的第15集视频,该合集共计31集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
“《恋爱时光》DLC为《沙石镇时光》带来了丰富的恋爱内容扩展。现在,您将有机会与四位深受喜爱的人物角色展开更深入的浪漫故事。这个扩展包精心编织了更多精彩的故事情节、浪漫的纪事以及充满情感的语音互动,让您的恋爱旅程变得更加绚丽多彩!” ¥ 24.90 发布...
My Time at Sandrock (簡體中文, 韓文, 英文, 泰文, 繁體中文, 日文) 全球玩家的評分 1519個評分 83% 10% 遊戲和法律資訊 荒漠小城沙石鎮誠摯而迫切地邀請您。作為新工坊主,您可以在這裡用不同的方式收集資源,在專屬工坊中創造各種機器和設備,也可以探索廣闊的沙漠,深入廢墟,搜尋舊世界遺留的古老文物,甚至與怪...
My Time at Sandrock is a life and farming simulation RPG developed by Pathea Games. Players will now be able to fight, build, farm, fish, and terraform together across Xbox and PC platforms. Cross-Play support for PlayStation and Nintendo Switch will arrive in Summer 2024. My Time at Sand...
在Sandrock度過的時光 - 就像在Portia度過的時光一樣,沙石鎮時光發生在大災難日後300年,當大部分現代技術都被摧毀的一個美好的後末日世界。在接受了成為Sandrock的新手建築師的工作邀請後,您將抵達這個野性而崎嶇的城邦,在那裏,憑借您和您的可靠工具來恢復社區的昔日
You will need to own the single-player version of "My Time at Sandrock" to play the multiplayer mode. Hi builder, welcome to the vibrant and passionate town of Sandrock, and now you can invite up to 3 friends to join this adventure. In multiplayer, NPCs
My Time at Sandrock is a huge life/farming sim that, once you start to understand its systems, can be a hugely rewarding experience. TheSixthAxis Miguel Moran 8 / 10 My Time at Sandrock is the perfect follow-up to My Time at Portia - building upon every solid idea from that first tit...