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在Sandrock度過的時光 - 就像在Portia度過的時光一樣,沙石鎮時光發生在大災難日後300年,當大部分現代技術都被摧毀的一個美好的後末日世界。在接受了成為Sandrock的新手建築師的工作邀請後,您將抵達這個野性而崎嶇的城邦,在那裏,憑借您和您的可靠工具來恢復社區的昔日
My Time at Sandrock DLC 與附加內容 CN¥18 新增至購物車 新增至願望清單 CN¥24.90 新增至購物車 新增至願望清單 附加內容 《My Time at Sandrock》——「Monster Whisperer」 在沙石鎮展開精彩刺激的冒險!使用專業工具探索並捕捉各式各樣的可愛怪獸,跟牠們建立特殊的羈絆。你的寵物冒險正式展開!
My Time at Sandrock-Just like My Time at Portia, My Time at Sandrock takes place in a wholesome post-apocalyptic world 300 years after the Day of Calamity destroyed most modern technologies. After accepting a job offer to become Sandrock’s newest Builder, you’ll arrive in the wild and ru...
My Actual Time at Sandrock For me, the story did keep me driving through. I wanted to see what the next thing was to happen. But I can’t say I was never weary of how much time it took to get all the components together to get to the next piece of the story. ...
My Time at Sandrock-Just like My Time at Portia, My Time at Sandrock takes place in a wholesome post-apocalyptic world 300 years after the Day of Calamity destroyed most modern technologies.After accepting a job offer to become Sandrock’s newest Builder, you’ll arrive in the wild and rugg...
已包含在其中 My Time at Sandrock HK$309.00+ My Time at Sandrock Deluxe Edition HK$389.00+已包含在這些訂閱中 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate HK$100.00/月 主機、電腦和雲端上數百款高品質遊戲 第一天的新遊戲 會員優惠、折扣和權益 線上主機多人遊戲 EA Play 會員資格 立即加入 Xbox Game Pass Standard HK...
Now, I must mention – I really did not have a good time with My Time at Portia on Switch. I didn’t enjoy it due to its performance, and I hoped that My Time at Sandrock would fix at least some of the issues I faced. I’m sorry to say that it does not. I tried desperately...
“《恋爱时光》DLC为《沙石镇时光》带来了丰富的恋爱内容扩展。现在,您将有机会与四位深受喜爱的人物角色展开更深入的浪漫故事。这个扩展包精心编织了更多精彩的故事情节、浪漫的纪事以及充满情感的语音互动,让您的恋爱旅程变得更加绚丽多彩!” ¥ 24.90 发布...
My Time at Sandrock – Ligesom My Time at Portia – foregår i en blomstrende post-apokalyptisk verden, 300 år efter at Calamity Day ødelagde de fleste moderne teknologier.Efter at have accepteret et jobtilbud om at blive Sandrocks nyeste bygmester ankommer du til den vilde og...