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My Time at Sandrock-Just like My Time at Portia, My Time at Sandrock takes place in a wholesome post-apocalyptic world 300 years after the Day of Calamity destroyed most modern technologies.After accepting a job offer to become Sandrock’s newest Builder, you’ll arrive in the wild and rugg...
My Time At Sandrock 2022.06.06 -是My Time At Sandrock(沙石镇时光)的第15集视频,该合集共计31集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
“《恋爱时光》DLC为《沙石镇时光》带来了丰富的恋爱内容扩展。现在,您将有机会与四位深受喜爱的人物角色展开更深入的浪漫故事。这个扩展包精心编织了更多精彩的故事情节、浪漫的纪事以及充满情感的语音互动,让您的恋爱旅程变得更加绚丽多彩!” ¥ 24.90 发布...
My Time at Sandrock is a life and farming simulation RPG developed by Pathea Games. Players will now be able to fight, build, farm, fish, and terraform together across Xbox and PC platforms. Cross-Play support for PlayStation and Nintendo Switch will arrive in Summer 2024. My Time at Sand...
My Time at Sandrock is a huge life/farming sim that, once you start to understand its systems, can be a hugely rewarding experience. TheSixthAxis Miguel Moran 8 / 10 My Time at Sandrock is the perfect follow-up to My Time at Portia - building upon every solid idea from that first tit...
“《恋爱时光》DLC为《沙石镇时光》带来了丰富的恋爱内容扩展。现在,您将有机会与四位深受喜爱的人物角色展开更深入的浪漫故事。这个扩展包精心编织了更多精彩的故事情节、浪漫的纪事以及充满情感的语音互动,让您的恋爱旅程变得更加绚丽多彩!” ¥ 24.90 发布...
You will need to own the single-player version of "My Time at Sandrock" to play the multiplayer mode. Hi builder, welcome to the vibrant and passionate town of Sandrock, and now you can invite up to 3 friends to join this adventure. In multiplayer, NPCs
My Time at Sandrock 399,00 kr+ My Time at Sandrock Deluxe Edition 499,00 kr+ Ingår i de här prenumerationerna Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 185,00 kr/månad Hundratals högkvalitativa spel på konsol, dator och moln Nya spel dag ett Medlemserbjudanden, rabatter och förmåner Onl...
My Time at Sandrock (簡體中文, 韓文, 英文, 泰文, 繁體中文, 日文) 全球玩家的評分 1519個評分 83% 10% 遊戲和法律資訊 荒漠小城沙石鎮誠摯而迫切地邀請您。作為新工坊主,您可以在這裡用不同的方式收集資源,在專屬工坊中創造各種機器和設備,也可以探索廣闊的沙漠,深入廢墟,搜尋舊世界遺留的古老文物,甚至與怪...