在Sandrock度過的時光 - 就像在Portia度過的時光一樣,沙石鎮時光發生在大災難日後300年,當大部分現代技術都被摧毀的一個美好的後末日世界。在接受了成為Sandrock的新手建築師的工作邀請後,您將抵達這個野性而崎嶇的城邦,在那裏,憑借您和您的可靠工具來恢復社區的昔日
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Use an intricate set of machines to process materials and produce parts of huge structures before assembling them piece by piece to help Sandrock flourish.Create hundreds of unique items at the worktable to decorate your homestead, give gifts to Sandrock’s residents, or assist with community ...
Welcome to the bustling town of Sandrock, where your journey as a builder begins. In My Time At Sandrock, mastering the art of resource gathering and combat
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world into darkness. However, the spark of civilization did not extinguish, and today, humanity has gradually built its new home on the ruins. Diligent explorers have established a small town next to the Eufaula Desert, and named it "Sandrock", where the story of "My Time at Sandrock" ...