The Kickstarter for the latest My Time game, My Time at Sandrock, has officially ended and the game is successfully funded! Over 10,000 backers on Kickstarter and Taobao combined pledged $551,335 USD to develop My Time at Sandrock.
购买My Time at Sandrock - Summer Heat Collection Pack -34% 您的价格: ¥ 35.64 添加至购物车 关于此捆绑包 炎热夏季系列包包含为 12 个深受喜爱的角色量身定制的精美服装:Logan、Grace、Elsie、Qi、Fang、Catori、Ernest、Mi-an、Nia、Unsuur、Amirah 和 Owen。
Bachelorettes Amirah • Catori • Elsie • Grace • Heidi • Jane • Mi-an • Nia • Venti Other characters Alo • Andy• Child • Cooper • Dan-bi • Hugo • Jasmine • Jensen • Krystal • Magic Mirror • Matilda • Mabel • Mort • Pebbles • Ri...
8015: Amirah 8016: Fang 8017: Mi-an 8018: Matilda 8019: Miguel 8020: Pen 8021: Burgess 8022: Pablo 8023: Jensen 8024: Catori 8025: Sandrunning Admin 8026: Unsuur 8027: Mason 8028: Sandrunning Admin 8029: Rhok 8030: Bram 8031: Peck 8032: Fei 8033: Zeke 8034: Bronco the Kid 8035:...
《Love Chronicles》是Pathea Games农场模拟游戏的最新DLC,扩展了《My Time at Sandrock》中四个单身汉的故事情节,分别是Fang、Logan、Mi-an和Nia。10月,与资料片一起发布的免费更新还为Amirah, Grace, Owen, Qi, Unsuur和Justice引入了额外的浪漫相关内容。它带来了新的怪物,公交系统,以及更多的功能。《My Time...
Oh no, more bad news from Sandrock! And it couldn't have come at a worse time. But surely Musa doesn't blame you all for the disaster? How could anyone have known strange chemicals would start pouring out of the ground? it happens a lot around Sandrock, doesn't it? Surely you're ...
Explore Fan Central Current My Time at Sandrock Wiki Others Like You Viewed Cooking Recipes (FoMT) Ann (BTN) Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life King Salmon Ripley Top Pages this Week Fang 1 Logan 2 Romance 3 Owen 4 Amirah 5
Fall from Grace is a main mission. The player must have completed Buried Secrets. Additionally, the player must have completed Chasing Elsie and seen Elsie return to Sandrock. After completing the mission, Matilda, Miguel, Pen and Yan will no longer be a
Just... look at all these happy people. They're here to celebrate what you and your friends did. You should be... proud. Hey there, Player! Did you have a lovely time today? I know I haven't been roaming Sandrock for long, but I can already sense the abundant ...
Commissions are requests for an item or items to be crafted within the allotted time. Some characters can request different items, such as Stone Troughs, Copper Pipes, or Glass. Completing commissions typically rewards gols, workshop reputation, and rela