My TelenorApp 求打分 应用介绍 举报权限 《My Teleno rApp》是一款方便使用的针对流量业务而生的生活服务类软件。其实就是为了帮助大家在生活中可以省下更多的钱,然后让你们可以有更多优惠的服务,然后还可以抽奖等等的服务!具有令人兴奋的功能,如直观(简单,干净,可访问)的新实用程序仪表板,有趣的奖励和游戏,为你...
My Telenor是一款手机营业厅应用,只要与Telenor的手机号进行绑定,就能轻松修改绑定的手机号相关的一切,包括但不限于套餐资费的转换,让生活更便捷。 官方简介 My Telenor是隶属于Telenor的一款手机营业厅软件,绑定了用户的Telenor手机号码即可实现手机号相关的需求一站式解决方案。让生活变得更加方便快捷。 软件优势 手机...
mytelenor安卓版是专为全球用户们打造的电信营业厅,在它上面我们是可以了解一些最新的活动,然后还能在上面充值话费,办理一些套餐服务,直接就可以线上办理,非常方便。 mytelenorapp介绍 具有令人兴奋的功能,例如直观的(简单,干净,可访问的)新实用程序仪表板,有趣的奖励和游戏,为您量身定制的最佳优惠,我们的telenorstar...
MyTelenor is an Android app developed by Telenor Myanmar Limited. It allows users to manage their Telenor mobile accounts and services from their smartphones. The packageId of the app is ‘’. With MyTelenor, customers can easily check their account balance, recharge their pr...
The place where everything related to your Telenor number is at your fingertips. My Telenor App makes your life easy, exciting and hassle free with a single ta…
Telenor Sverige AB 4.8 • 10 Ratings Free Description Mitt Telenor app gives you full control of your private mobile subscriptions. Among other things, you can do the following in our app: - Log in with BankID or Telenor ID - View your invoices and costs and pay invoices with Swish ...
• The app is free! OK, all you need is : 1) Install This APP in Android 2) Install This Program in PC / Mac / Linux 3) Run the APP from Android 4) Enter the ID from PC / Mac / Linux 5) Have Fun ! Tags:asadFarhan ImaanINCPakLinuxMicrosoft WindowsMobile devicePersonal ...
**Yepp** – A Yettel app elhozta neked az Adatforradalmat! Megérkezett a Yepp, a Yettel új digitális előfizetése, amely korlátlan belföldi netet kínál kötöttségek nélkül mindössze néhány lépésben kizárólag az appban. Hogyan lehet a tiéd? - Azonosítsd magad...