Sections Figures References Abstract Background Methods Results Effectiveness of intervention after three months Discussion Conclusion Data availability Abbreviations References Acknowledgements Funding Author information Ethics declarations Additional information Rights and permissions About this article Advertisement...
most of us have. I’ve learnt to not give the other person my power nor allow myself to be held down with sadness or anger caused by others. By the time I’d reversed out of my parking spot I was smiling and back to feeling good, reflecting on my class practise and letting go ...
he told me that if Adam Ondra decides to send some magnificent 5.15 with a cameraman visible in one of the shots or a gumby (like me) falling on a 5.12d in the background, it’s more or less standard practice in commercial
(BTW: This is my reply to a personal note I received re this question.) Sat Nam. I notice as a White woman in a majority White city/state how often I am in the company of all White people, and I often think about how it would feel if it was reversed, if I was the only minor...
(4) after a cooling-down period’ and the subsidence of the mania, qualified mental-health teams and appropriate professional personnel go in to undertake rehabilitation. SUMMARY OF THE MINORITY REPORT OF THE AD HOC COMMITTEE The nine members signing this report agree that there is no evidence ...
However, this weekend, I probably looked like that same bus reversed back over me and hit me again. After a now regretful egg salad sandwich, I experienced food poisoning over which I would take a bad hangover any day of the week. Literally, my bowels are turning just talking about it,...
it will redirect the resources it would have used for the events to assist those affected by the wildfires. “L.A. is home to so many of us,” UMG said in astatement. “We are committed to helping and supporting the music community, our artists, our teams, and the people of Los Ang...
By company size Enterprises Small and medium teams Startups Nonprofits By use case DevSecOps DevOps CI/CD View all use cases By industry Healthcare Financial services Manufacturing Government View all industries View all solutions Resources Topics AI DevOps Security Software Development...
Tom Gouttierre and wife Marylu are in the background along with Omaha educator Howard Faber. Tom Gouttierre, front left, with members of two Afghan basketball teams. His time in Afghanistan began with the Peace Corps in the 1960s and the formation of an Afghan basketball league. It grew ...
They took the title from Mexican America and Devon thanks them very much for that, but since he was half of one of the greatest teams of all time, and he's won 23 titles with his brother and faced some of the greatest teams of all t...