Android版 2024我的安吉拉国际版最新版(my talking angela) v6.8.2.5242 安卓版 包名:com.outfit7.mytalkingangelafree MD5:389b6de145ae0e3e72f0662d9b7bf5b4 共0人参与互动,查看所有0条评论>网友评论 (您的评论需要经过审核才能显示) 玩家QQ群号:827779939 我来说两句... 提交评论查看所有0条评论>>相关...
我的安吉拉(my talking angela)是一款专为喜爱宠物养成的玩家设计的安卓游戏。在游戏中,玩家可以领养一只名为安吉拉的可爱虚拟猫咪,并通过悉心的照料和陪伴,帮助她从幼小的猫咪宝宝成长为优雅迷人的猫咪美女。这款游戏不仅提供了丰富的养成元素,还融入了互动性和社交性,让玩家在享受游戏乐趣的同时,也能感受到与宠物共同...
My Talking Angela v6.6(Old Version) ► Updated: July 20, 2023 ► What's New in Version 6.6: SUMMER FUN Summer’s just around the corner. Get Angela ready for beach days and picnics in the park! My Talking Angela v6.5.1(Old Version) ► Updated: July 10, 2023 ► What's New...
My Talking Angela user reviews : Loved this game and still do. But the only thing I would suggest is to add more items like the second MTA. Your very limited to what you can make her look like but apart from that, all the other functions are fantastic. Still really nostalgic and is ...
应用信息 厂商: 官网:暂无 包名:com.outfit7.mytalkingangelafree.uc MD5值:d7709af18aa93693abfc430509d99640 权限管理须知点击查看玩家留言精品推荐海王捕鱼怀旧版 鱼丸游戏一夜暴富版 捕鱼大决战手机版 指尖捕鱼赢话费版 小玛丽捕鱼达人免费版 开心消消乐官方正版 捕鱼大作战明星代言版 捕鱼季10000炮版 霸王捕鱼...
我的安吉拉 my talking angela豆瓣评分:7.9 简介:《我的汤姆猫》的原创团队为你带来能歌善舞的时尚明星!会说话的安吉拉是超级有趣的虚拟明星,她迫不及待地想凭借舞蹈和歌唱走上巅峰。
My Talking AngelaRatings and Reviews 4.4out of 5 7.7K Ratings position 1,27/07/2023 To much of ads The game is so annoying because there are too many ads, the annoying part is you can’t even cancel the ads you I’ve to wait for the ads to end, I should be able to cancel an...
My Talking Angela 2 user reviews : I did play this game on a noter device and i think it was better to add more minigames to get money and maybe when you level up to get atleast a little money cause like that we have to work 2 days for so little money sadly il change my stars...
Apart from the unlimited coins, My Talking Angela MOD APK also grants you free access to limitless diamonds. After using these diamonds, you can unlock almost every unique feature inside the game, like the Neon Punk Outfit, Indian Sari, Evening Gown, Gold Run Outfit, Business Suit, Rock Chic...
我的安吉拉(My Talking Angela)是一款卡通风格的猫咪养成手游,玩法非常多样。享受“会说话的安吉拉”的世界,定制她的时装、发型、妆容和家居用品,玩可爱的迷你游戏,把她的家装饰得漂漂亮亮,喂她吃好吃的。这些都需要金币,但是游戏本身金币并不多,所以安吉拉的修炼非常慢。