ControlRejectStrategy=0, clearBigSqLResultSetMapMs=600000, defaultMaxLimit=100, sequnceHandlerType=2, sqlInterceptor=io.mycat.server.interceptor.impl.DefaultSqlInterceptor, sqlInterceptorType=select, sqlInterceptorFile=/usr/local/mycat/logs/sql.txt, mutiNodeLimitType=0, mutiNodePatchSize=100, default...
44 vscode-luna-paint A raster image editor extension for VS Code lunapaint 290 45 dockstation DockStation is developer-centric application to managing projects based on Docker. Instead of lots of CLI commands you can monitor, configure, and manage services and containers using just a GUI. DockStat...
(4) moeba(变形虫)是阿里工程师陈思儒基于 java 开发的一款数据库读写分离的项目(读写分离只是它的一个小功能),与 MySQL 官方的 MySQL Proxy 相比,作者强调的是 amoeba 配置的方便(基于XML的配置文件,用 SQLJEP 语法书写规则,比基于 lua 脚本的MySQL Proxy 简单)。更多详细介绍请参考:https://www.biaodianfu....
Docker support is experimental, but if you want to try it, read the There is also aDocker Issue (#637)on github for those that wish to help with development. REST API The latest API documentation can be found here:API InformationandAPI Endpoint Documentation. ...
1.找到sql包的sql文件并导入到自己的数据库中 2.修改application.yml中的redis、mysql、elasticsearch、邮件发送校验码 、rabbitmq即可 3.启动redis、mysql、elasticsearch、rabbitmq的服务 4.执行elasticSearchTest的es创建索引命令和执行下面的添加数据代码 第一点注意:如需使用爬虫功能,则需要对mysql做出如下配置。
Building the PHP 8.2 CLI image looks like this: docker build -t namoshek/php-mssql:8.2-cli 8.2/cli Contributing If you want to contribute the sources for other PHP versions, I'll appreciate it. Please send a pull request. License
BuildDocker: Type: Process Parameters: FileName: powershell WorkingDirectory: '{{Project.Output.Path}}' Args: docker build -t {{Project.Parameters.DockerImage}}:v1.0.0 . RunDocker: Type: Process Parameters: FileName: powershell WorkingDirectory: '{{Project.Output.Path}}' Args: docker run ...
dockerfile: Dockerfile restart: always privileged: true image: mycat: container_name: mycat hostname: mycat ports: - '8066:8066' - '9066:9066' volumes: - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime - /work/docker/conf/mycat/schema.xml:/usr/local/mycat/conf/schema.xml ...
docker-update -d the -d expose the my sql 3306 or docker-update -l to expose the 3306 bdd and then in workbench 8.0.34 V root the good password using openssl 64 bit the correct key can you help me i want to understand why i have acced denied !! thanks !!Failed...
--volume /srv/docker/gitlab/gitlab:/home/git/data \ sameersbn/gitlab:17.5.1 Database GitLab uses a database backend to store its data. You can configure this image to use PostgreSQL. Note:GitLab requires PostgreSQL now. So use an older image < 12.1 or migrate to PostgresSQL ...