valueOf(key))) { throw new BuilderException("The setting " + key + " is not known. Make sure you spelled it correctly (case sensitive)."); } } return props; } 解析<typeAliases>节点 XMLConfigBuilder. typeAliasesElement()方法负责解析<typeAliases>节点及其子节点,并通TypeAliasRegistry完成别名...
Today I came across a requirement to fetch and list down the records from the table having all lower case string data. This is an interesting scenario. The SQL Server database by default is set for case-insensitive. But, I need to do case-sensitive search using select query. Case s...
对于MybatisPlus解决就很简单了,直接在实体类上添加@TableField注解,给上别名加上反单引号即可。如下所示: 代码语言:javascript 复制 @TableFiled(name="`key`")privateString key; 附录: MySQL关键字列表:
其实这一步可以不加因为DriverManager里面会有自动加载驱动的一步Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");// 2.创建连接conn=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mybatis_example","root","123456");//开启事务conn.setAutoCommit(false);// SQL语句String sql="select...
MyBatis 是针对映射器构造的 SQL 构建轻量级构架,并且通过配置生成对应的 JavaBean 返回给调用者,而这些配置主要便是映射器,在 MyBatis 中你可以根据情况定义动态 SQL 来满足不同场景 的需要,它比其他的框架灵活得多,MyBatis 还支持自动绑定 JavaBean,我们只要让 SQL返回的字段名和 javaBean属性名保持一致,或者采用...
Now let’s alter the column to be case sensitive by setting the collation type to be SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS (Which is case sensitive) : 1 2 3 ALTER TABLE dbo.CaseSensitiveExample ALTER COLUMN ClientId VARCHAR(100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS NOT NULL GO Add back our...
Open the MyTemplate.vstemplate file in a text or XML editor and make the edits that you see highlighted in red in Figure 8. Remember that XML, unlike Visual Basic, is case sensitive. Figure 8 My Extensibility Item Template Copy <VSTemplate Version="2.0.0" xmlns=
The comparison is case sensitive.* * * * StringUtils.endsWith(null, null) = true * StringUtils.endsWith(null, "abcdef") = false * StringUtils.endsWith("def", null) = false * StringUtils.endsWith("def", "abcdef")...
对于MybatisPlus解决就很简单了,直接在实体类上添加@TableField注解,给上别名加上反单引号即可。如下所示: @TableField(name = "`key`")privateString key; 附录: 1、MySQL5.7版本关键字和保留字地址如下: ...
throw new BuilderException("The setting " + key + " is not known. Make sure you spelled it correctly (case sensitive)."); } } return props; } //settings元素设置 元素比较多不懂的可以看下官方文档 private void settingsElement(Properties props) throws Exception { configuration.setAutoMappingBehav...