This is now the 3rd time I've used MSR for work. 1st time I had all new sprinklers installed= Great job. 2nd time I needed a new sprinkler valve= Great job. And now 3rd time they installed a new timer and lock box. As always GREAT JOB!!! Annette...
The range can reach 27m-40m, the width of the sprinkler is 14m, the lift can be reached 90m. The jet water can be adjusted to water column, heavy rain, moderate rain, drizzle and fog. Specifications Material Aluminum Flow Rate 60L/min Max. Workng Pressure...
Check gas, electrical, and water lines, and check appliances for damage. If you smell gas or see a broken line, shut off the main valve from the outside. Do not switch on the electricity again until the power company has first checked your home. Remember, if ...