Before we dive into the details of tracking your refund status, it’s important to have a basic understanding of tax refunds. A tax refund is money that the government owes you if you paid more in taxes than you actually owed. This can happen if you had too much money withheld from you...
Plus, filing late might incursome expensive consequences. If the IRS owes you a refund, filing late generally won’t hurt you. However, if you owe taxes, you will be penalized for both filing and paying late. Request an Extension Some people need more time to file taxes. If you’...
Waiting for your tax refund can feel stressful, especially if Uncle Sam owes you a big chunk of change. Choose direct deposit for the fastest refund, and file as soon as possible to get your refund earlier in the year. Don’t forget that you can use free IRS resources to track your ta...
Typically the IRS will meet its self-imposed 21-day deadline for processing your return and issuing any refund it owes you with time to spare. However, a number of problems or special considerations can slow down the process. The IRS lists some of the most common reasons for delays, which...
As I’ve made clear in my social media posts, I’m one of dozens of freelance writers owed thousands of dollars, by this corporate parent company ofOut Magazine, among others.Check out the hashtag #OutOwes. They only owe me $400, but that $400 would bridge the gap between unemployment...
the spouse had large quantities of unpaid credit card balances and taxes. Any cash the trust owned disappeared to pay off debt. Once the cash was used, and ALL of it was used, my friend was now on the hook to help pay off these expenses. Within 30 days my friend found herself broke...