If there's still an odor after running the cleaning cycle and cleaning the components, it may be coming from the connected sink. In most cases, the sink drain or garbage disposal will need to be cleaned. If the odor remains after cleaning the sink or garbage disposal, you may need to c...
There’s not a lot of complaining from them, just a lot of praying and preaching and visiting the sick and the million other jobs of a pastor. Social media has made their job infinitely harder; the cultural circling of the drain has made it harder still; and pastoring in an election yea...
Stinks Rinse and wash the tub after each use to discourage stains and limescale. Clean frequently with an all-purpose toilet cleaner to avoid dirt and scum accumulating. Use a nylon bristle brush stubborn marks, but maybe not an abrasive cleaner. In hard water areas, utilize a limescale cleane...
Then fill the sink the rest of the way up with super hot water. I crack the kitchen window to let the rotten egg (sulpher) smell out and walk away. I’ve left pieces soaking for hours and hours, and nothing was ever damaged. Then drain, toss the foil, wash the flatware in some ...
FEBRUARY 15: As I wash my hands in a restaurant bathroom, my wedding ring—which now jangles loosely between the second and third knuckles due to the way even my fingers have slimmed—slides into the sink and down the drain. A terrible metaphor lurks in that drainpipe. Too terrible. So...
You don’t even have to throw it away until it stinks unless you want to. And your cat will be happy you will be happy and no more smelly house. Literally takes 1 minute. If you use hard clumping little it will cost you all of about 7 dollars every 2 or 3 months. Not that ...