Main article: Supernatural MonstersSupernatural Monsters are a special class of Monsters that include Wubbox, its Rare and Epic variants, and the Wublins, all of which manifest one Element, Electricity (). These Monsters are special in that they require Monsters to be activated. The Wubboxes...
Day 3: Haunted House RP (Day 3) | Fandom~ PLOT ~ You are in a haunted house on Halloween.… (Edited by The Real ECF) PunkletonWublinsMonstersPlant IslandSpooktacleSeasonal MonstersBon...
My friend showed me this wublin, and there is no way I’m the first to realize this. My Singing Monsters (game)WublinsDipstersMaulch Donidin·6/18/2024in Art & Creations I'd like my merger to be seen by RaddRan Name: Yooraulch ...
Like other Wublins, Poewk can instead be filled in with Diamonds. Each egg can be filled in for 30. Poewk requires a total of 330 for all eggs to be filled. Since all eggs have an equal Diamond fill cost, it is best to save your Diamonds for the Monsters that are harder to ...
Note that doing this for Rare Wublins will cause the Wublin to stop producing currency and the eggs will not expire. Spurrit Adult Syncopite 1 egg Note that Monster eggs can only be "disposed of" before awakening Celestials; afterwards those Monsters will not accept any eggs. Also ...
My Singing Monsters Wiki 1,847 pages Explore My Singing Monsters Dawn of Fire Community Other Games in: Single Element Monsters, Monsters, Natural Monsters, and 18 more English Noggin Sign in to edit My Singing Monsters Battle Dawn of Fire Composer...
Since all eggs have an equal Diamond fill cost, it is best to save your Diamonds for the Monsters that are harder to obtain. And oftentimes, it is cheaper to speed up eggs to zap from the Breeding Structure instead. Wildcards may also be used when filling in a Kayna's inventory. Sim...
As of now, there are no Epic Fire Monsters which are part of the Fire Expansion, so it is currently unknown how exactly they will be obtained. It is unknown if the Wublins will get Epic forms, but it is very unlikely considering how they would need to make an Epic Wubbox for Wub...
Mammott is the Single-Element Monster of Cold, and is first unlocked in the game's tutorial. It is obtained by purchasing in the Market for 300 . By default, its incubation time is 2 minutes long. As a Single-Elemental, Mammott does not have a high Coin
Riff is a Quad-Element Monster that is found on Air Island. It was added alongside Cybop, Scups, and PomPom on September 12th, 2012 during Version 1.0.2. It is best obtained by breeding T-Rox and Tweedle. By default, its breeding time is 24 hours long. R