Since the release of My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire, it has received many updates. Dawn of Fire was released for iOS and Android (Google Play and Amazon versions). Usually, the iOS version of Dawn of Fire is prioritized over other versions, which mean
My Singing Monsters Wiki 1,914 pages Wiki Article Castle The Castle is a Structure that allows for Monsters to be placed on an Island, and each Castle provides a certain number of beds for Monsters. Aside from the Ethereal Islets, Magical Nexus, Wublin Island, Celestial Island, Tribal Islan...
My Singing Monsters|怪物合唱团Ethereal Workshop外星工坊新怪物Oogiddy 1151 0 00:13 App 怪兽音乐会,外星工坊,惊现全新外星怪物,估计外星怪物三四元素也可能会进入Wubbox里面开party ,记得去看你们的邮箱,点击钻石的标志,就会看见这玩意了,哔 3306 0 01:42 App 两只外星怪物 3.0万 28 02:04 App 【转载...
Mix and match your favorite Singing Monsters to create unique musical melodies! Each Monster has its own unique sound, from booming percussion to cheerful vocals — you’ll be singing along before long! Exciting Islands Unlock beautiful islands for your Monsters to call home. Each island has its...
《My Singing Monsters》的美术采用了维持精美的3D立体造型,每个怪物的造型都极具个性,怪物们除了拥有独特的嗓音,身体的一部分还能当作乐器使用。怪物们独特的个性化乐器,组成了音色丰富饱满的背景音乐,犹如欣赏交响乐一般。众多独特嗓音则拼凑出堪比专业合唱乐团歌声效果,让你在游戏里也能享受声音的艺术。游戏测评 从...
怪兽音乐会(My Singing Monsters) 软件版本:v4.1.4 运行环境:Android 软件大小:80.6MB 所属类型:休闲益智 应用语言:简体中文 更新时间:2024-11-16 09:39:46 标签:休闲趣味怪兽音乐会音乐 安卓下载 软件介绍 软件截图 相关版本 相关下载 怪兽音乐会是一款音乐养成趣味游戏,收集各种不同的怪物,掌握复杂的新工艺...
怪兽合唱团最新版2023是款好玩的模拟经营手游,在充满了治愈气息的卡通世界中,开始你的冒险吧,选择不同的人物开始你的挑战,超强的节奏音乐让你沉浸其中,快来加入我们吧!游戏介绍 我的歌唱怪兽My Singing Monsters-国内版本译为【怪兽合唱团】,之前游道易代理发行过,后面没有合作了国服版就没有了,国际服的还可以下载...
Cloud Island My Singing Monsters 15 Cave Island My Singing Monsters 16 Dawn of Fire Medley My Singing Monsters 专辑简介 怪兽音乐会(My Singing Monsters)是一款IOS移植的经典音乐养成游戏,这是一个布满有趣怪物的绿色世界。游戏中有各种怪物可以饲养、收集和升级,有趣的是这些怪物都有着自己独特的歌声,玩家可...
Families love vacays, and so do the My Singing Monsters of Plant Island! Mammott, Furcorn and the gang have teamed up with the all-inclusive Hard Rock Hotels to offer the Monsters in Paradise Sweepstakes where you can enter for a chance to win a four-night stay for a family of four ...