But those who have come into their faiths since the Empire fell know the truth—no matter the mistakes of their ancestors or centuries of enmity between them, both faiths support the people of Brittanis, beset on all sides by enemies, monsters and the ever-encroaching darkness. So if you ...
That last visit, to the Nova memorial, filled me for the first time with Anger. Rage, at the injustice, the evil brutality of what those monsters did to those beautiful innocent young people, who came to dance. I reflected on the stories of Har Hertzl. Not just stories of tragic loss,...
Alpha Predator-Godzilla deals 30% more damage to monsters. That's all I got, let me know what you thought I missed. Thank you! "Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds." 1 Replies Gmkgoji MemberRodanJan-19-2019 12:11 PM ...
of course, and got Bria dried and diapered and onesie-d and pajama-d, singing her little songs and talking to her in a happy voice all the while.