Ethereal Workshop Monsters Swap With Sound Part 2 ~ My Singing Monsters 1144 0 00:13 App 怪兽音乐会,外星工坊,惊现全新外星怪物,估计外星怪物三四元素也可能会进入Wubbox里面开party ,记得去看你们的邮箱,点击钻石的标志,就会看见这玩意了,哔 9523 3 00:41 App My Singing Monsters|怪物合唱团Ethereal...
我的歌唱怪兽(My Singing Monsters)还有更多的活动副本欢迎你的到来,不同的怪物更有着不一样的音乐类型等你来欣赏,互动唱歌还能收获无数的金币和经验,让怪物等级可以更快提升。 我的歌唱怪兽说明 欢乐精彩的怪物养成游戏,诸多玩法,自由尝试; 让怪物发声,去收集更多资源,享受欢乐的玩法; 沉浸其中,自由尝试不同玩法,...
我搞到了my singing monsters,这是我做的第一件事账号已注销 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多1282 -- 1:13 App [OTI]|米诺斯|展示+获得方法 4866 -- 6:40 App 露西和撼地者结合起来: 370 -- 8:35 App 1-R厕所 4077 1 1:24 App ⚡迷你KILL⚡ 2578 6 3:58 App 【...
充满创意的岛屿,每个岛屿都有自己的主题曲以及怪物们生活的环境。 升级可以解锁更多的小怪物和其他玩意。 多种装饰和建筑将会影响每只小怪物。 游戏截图 <> 中文名:我的唱歌怪物 包名:com.bigbluebubble.singingmonsters.full MD5:324B5BE9BF6B6B6298CE739BD37EBFD5 查看所有0...
My Singing Monsters is a world-building music game where you collect and breed your own adorable monster mash. Each monster has a unique song, sound and personality, allowing you to create your own digital monster orchestra. Breed them or purchase them at the shop and watch them sing, play...
My Singing Monsters 4.6.0.apk CELEBRATING 4 YEARS OF MY SINGING MONSTERS!You start with an empty island… it’s all quiet… when suddenly - BAM, Singing Monsters. These bizarre -
Create an island full of singing monsters, then watch your song evolve as you breed and upgrade happy monster pets. Design and build unique decorations to make your world look just the way you want, then share your creation with friends! You’ll love exploring the wonderful fantasy land of ...
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