This is the main article for Monsters. For the category, see Category:Monsters. This article is about the Monsters of My Singing Monsters. For the Monsters of My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire, see Monsters (Dawn of Fire). Monsters are the main inhabitan
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While trying to breed other Monsters (particularly Monsters with a very low chance of breeding), the following Wublins, Celestials, and Vessels can be used to "dispose of" Mammott eggs immediately, instead of putting them into a Nursery and having that Nursery not be available. Note that ...
While trying to breed other Monsters (particularly Monsters with a very low chance of breeding), the following Wublins, Celestials, and Vessels can be used to "dispose of" Deedge eggs immediately, instead of putting them into a Nursery and having that Nursery not be available. Note that ...
My Singing Monsters Game Trailer Did you know... ... that theMy Singing MonstersCastleplays the electric bass on the Islands it appear on? ... thatWublinshave a 31% chance of generating between 144 to 288? ... that theComposer Island'sColossalopens it's eyes, making it the only Col...
While trying to breed other Monsters (particularly Monsters with a very low chance of breeding), the following Celestials and Vessels can be used to "dispose of" Bonkers eggs immediately, instead of putting them into a Nursery and having that Nursery not be available. Note that doing this for...
BreedingBreeding CombosEggsFeedingLikesGoalsZappingTranslations Community content is available underCC-BY-SAunless otherwise noted. Fan Feed RiffMy Singing Monsters Wiki My Singing Monsters WikiMy Singing Monsters Wiki Epic DeedgeMy Singing Monsters Wiki ...
Explore My Singing Monsters Dawn of Fire Community Other Games ALL POSTS Woolabee Wiki Article Woolabee Woolabee is a Triple-Element Fire Monster found on Fire Oasis and Amber Island. It was added on June 19th, 2019 during the 2.3.0 Fire Oasis update. It is best obtained by breeding Glow...
Failed breeding results are one of the parent Monsters, or a normal Ghazt. For the shortest wait time per attempt, Entbrat and T-Rox is recommended. Rare Ghazt's chances of breeding are less than the Common Ghazt's. Wishing Torches will increase the chance of success, and so will ...
Ready your Breeding Structures, because TWO NEW MONSTERS have arrived in My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire! Meet the squishable Spunge and the rock 'n roll Riff, two beloved Monsters from the original My Singing Monsters. See their Young forms for the first time ever on the Continent, then...